  • 學位論文


Prognostic Analysis and Failure Alarming of Software Reliability for GPS Navigation System

指導教授 : 簡英哲


本研究應用故障預知分析方法,分析軟體可靠度,以建立軟體故障預警機制,避免軟體故障而造成損失。隨著軟體系統日新月異,具有複雜功能與高可靠度的軟體,常被列為設計的首要目標。本研究以全球導航系統為研究案例,從定義軟體故障模式、運用故障樹分析方法、找出軟體發生故障的原因,並建立軟體的作業輪廓。經由不同作業輪廓條件的軟體測試,分析顯著影響軟體功能的效能指標(例如:GPS定位時間),界定為軟體的故障預兆,進而建立故障預兆累積衰退水準。本研究提出以逐次機率比例檢定(SPRT)方法,建立軟體的故障預警機制。目的在系統發生故障前,讓使用者可進行系統維護作業,避免因軟體的故障而造成困擾與損失。此外,建立全球導航系統的系統狀態連結,以馬可夫可靠度模型 (Markov Reliability Model),分析軟體在不同作業輪廓下的可用度水準,作為軟體上市前可用度的評估依據。


This study applies prognostic analysis method on software reliability and establishes software failure alarm mechanism for prevention of impact caused by software failure. As software system innovation grows in very fast manner, software with complex functions and high reliability are considered as top design objectives. The GPS navigation system is selected as a case study for this research. The study defines software failure modes, applies Fault Tree Analysis method to identify software failure causes, and establishes software operational profiles. The GPS navigation systems were tested based on different operational profiles to identify significant software performance indexes which may cause impact on product features (e.g. GPS positioning time). The selected software performance indexes are defined as software failure precursors. Cumulative degradation levels associated with the failure precursors can be defined based on software test results. This study suggested to use Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) method for building software failure alarm mechanism. The objective is to let software user has opportunity to do system maintenance prior to software failure so as to avoided impact and loss caused by the failure. In addition, a Markov Reliability Model based on system states of GPS navigation system was built for software system availability analysis corresponding on different operational profile. The analysis results can be applied for software availability assessment before the software release for market.


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