  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting the Successful Transformation of Traditional Food Industry-FAHP Approach

指導教授 : 劉立倫


我國向來號稱以「食」為天,食品產業內中各次級產業的經營良窳不僅事關國家經濟與競爭力,更與我們的日常生活息息相關。然而,自資訊科技的影響發酵起,食品產業內的成員無不深受衝擊,這當中不得不提及與消費者第一線接觸的通路產業,得資訊科技助益者即得市場與市占率,不得者則落入競爭的後段班,恐有淘汰之嫌。有鑒於此,本研究以傳統食品行做為研究探討對象,並採用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)來系統性討論傳統產業因應資訊科技的衝擊下,該有何作為;並以系統性的討論,彙整出傳統食品行在資訊與數位時代的經營環境中,若想轉型成功有何關鍵因素與執行順序。 研究結果顯示,傳統食品產業的轉型成功因素,取決於企業經營者的價值理念,其次則為組織結構與管理制度,最後才是員工知識、轉型資源配置與員工能力。其中,前兩項指標對於企業轉型而言,屬於行政管理面,也就是由組織內高階管理者所把持。第二是整體因素對於一個想要成功轉型的傳統食品行而言,在有限的經營資源下,重要程度的排序分別為企業願景與定位(22.2%)、經營者的承諾與投入(18.4%)、轉型規劃的完備度(14.3%)、轉型編組與分工(13.8%)、部門分工與協調 (10.9%)、管理制度之完備(8.31%),希冀本研究的結果與發現,除了能提供予未來學術研究前進之基石,也能給予實質的管理建議。


It is usually to say that ‘Bread is the staff of life.’ The well development or not for food industry is highly related to the national economy, national competitiveness and our daily life. However, the unit in food industry are deeply affected since the emergence of information technology and information system, and one of the most affected one is the channel part, which one getting the help from IT/IS will win or vice versa. Therefore, this study is aim to concern the systematic factors which could help the traditional enterprises that operates in channel part in food industry. We utilize fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) as our methodology and check the ranking of the whole factors. The results show that the most important factor is the value of the operator and the second one is the organizational structure and managerial institutions, the third one is staffs’ knowledge, and the others are transformation resource allocation and the capability of the staff. The two criteria which we mentioned above belong to business administration. It is controlled by the senior executive. The whole factors for the traditional food enterprise who desired to transform successfully, the ranking is corporate vision and position (22.2%), operator’s commitment and involvement (18.4%), completeness of transformation (14.3%), division of transformation (13.8%), division of labor and coordination (10.9%), completeness of managerial intuitions (8.31%). We hope the finding of this study could provide some help to future academic research and also, some substantive management recommendations to traditional food industry.


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