  • 學位論文


The Motive and Process Problems of Going Public in Taiwan’s Food and Beverage Industry

指導教授 : 鄭駿豪


企業在面臨國際化競爭激烈的環境壓力下,欲拓展市場及公司規模提升競爭力,公司勢必要從資本市場對外籌措更多的資金。細究台灣上市的法規條文,欲取得證管會核准上市,必需經過主管機關制訂的嚴格申請與審查程序,企業歷經承銷商輔導、交易所的查核、審議會的核准等準備階段,才能在股票市場上掛牌交易,此一上市過程促使公司為達成上市的目標而在組織架構上做某種程度的調整,甚至進行大規模的變革。    本研究採深度訪談之方式,訪談一家準備上市櫃公司一位學者及兩位櫃買中心人員。透過對產、官、學三方面的訪談來了解餐飲業者上市(櫃)情況、上市(櫃)動機、上市櫃過程中常見的問題為哪些及餐飲業未來發展之趨勢與策略規劃。並以此三方面經驗提供給未來想上市(櫃)之餐飲業參考及建議。


Enterprises facing the stress of intensely international competition want to enlarge market and enhance competitive power, companies must prepare more funds from capital markets. According to regulation clause of Initial Public Offering in Taiwan, the company, which wants to get an approval of IPO from Securities and Exchange Commission must go through the process of strict application and examination by the executive institution. Enterprises must be taught by underwriters, examined by Stock Exchange, approved by commission, etc and then be able to be listed on the stock market. The companies are drastically adjusted in the organizational structures, and even conduct a large revolution in order to reach the goal in the process of IPO. The study using depth interviews interview a company, which prepare to get an approval of IPO, an expert scholar and two stuff, who work in GreTai Securities Market, and going through the interviews of industry-government-university to realize the condition of IPO in F&B industry, the motivation of IPO, what problems happen frequently in the process of IPO and trends and strategic planning of the development of F&B industry in the future, and offer the suggestion and reference to F&B entrepreneurs succeeding in IPO.


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