  • 學位論文


Construction of mainland tourists to the Alishan National Scenic Area tourist safety indicators

指導教授 : 張德儀


阿里山國家風景區」為大陸遊客嚮往的必遊之地。然近年阿里山森林小火車發生意外事件的旅遊交通事故,通行道路因風災或土石流邊坡的流失影響道路安全及頻傳的旅遊購物糾紛等,影響大陸遊客的觀光意願,也留下不完美的負面印象。因此,為改善與提升旅遊品質,必須重視旅遊安全與風險管理的重要性,而旅遊安全指標建構,實為旅遊行程規劃及確保旅遊品質之關鍵點。 本研究首先進行國內外旅遊安全相關文獻探討,以阿里山國家風景區旅遊安全指標建構之主題,進行專家深度訪談,初擬旅遊安全指標架構,再以修正式德爾菲法,邀請相關產業界、學界、管理單位之專家進行二回合之問卷調查,進而將旅遊安全指標達到共識。 本研究將阿里山國家風景區之旅遊安全指標架構分為:1.「環境安全管理」、2.「餐旅安全」、3.「法令安全管理」、4.「交通安全管理」、5.「遊客安全管理」等五大構面,共23個指標項。研究結果可作為大陸遊客至阿里山國家風景區的旅遊安全指標參考,並以相關管理單位、學術界、旅行業者之觀點,提出對大陸遊客至阿里山國家風景區的旅遊安全改善策略建議。


“Alishan National Scenic Area” is the most popular scenic spot that Mainland tourists aspire to tour. In recent years, however, several events such as the safety of access road due to typhoons or landslides slope erosion, the travel accident caused by the traffic accident on Alishan forest small train, and the shopping safety disputes…etc, affect the mainland tourists’ travel intention ,leave a negative impression and increase attentions for the tourism security. Therefore, Construction indicators and risk management of tourism safety are the key points of itinerary planning and ensuring the quality of tourism. First, this research investigate the related literatures of domestic and international tourism safety documents. With the theme of construction travel safety indicators of Alishan National Scenic Area, through expert-depth interviews to draw up the framework of tourism safety indicators, then apply the Modified Delphi Method to invite related industries, academia, and experts of the management unit to conduct two rounds of the questionnaire surveys. And then will make the tourism safety indicators to reach a consensus. This research are categorized into 20 indicator items in five major aspects: 1." Environmental safety management ", 2." Hospitality security ", 3. " laws and decrees security management ", 4." Traffic Safety Administration ", 5." Tourist safety management ". Research results can be used as travel safety indicators of mainland tourists to the Alishan National Scenic Area, and provide the suggestions of mainland tourists to the Alishan National Scenic Area From the related management units, academia, and travel industry perspective on mainland tourists to the Alishan National Scenic Area.


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