  • 學位論文


Market evolution and operation innovation in the tourism industry – A TRIZ Perspective on inbound tourism from Mainland China

指導教授 : 施信佑


政府自1992年七月三十一日發布實施「台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」以來,逐步開放兩岸人民從事探親、工作、觀光、學術交流等活動,迄今已逾二十四年。從早期探親、工作到以觀光旅遊目的來台的陸客人數,年年不斷的攀升。這波陸客出國觀光商機,不僅是我國,其它國家也在搶,當國內景氣不佳時,各國無不希望透過吸引觀光客來增加收入,減少失業人口。因此促進陸客觀光就是現今重要的政策。 隨著這波陸客來台觀光的熱潮,國內學者為瞭解其影響,對其相關研究已多有著墨。然而,觀察其研究理論方法及其結果用在旅行業的實務上,卻少有可引導業者在這競爭激烈的市場中,找出經營遵循的方向或是機會。因此,本研究主旨希望在籍由TRIZ-演化趨勢的理論,在陸客來台觀光市場中,探究市場的演化趨勢及找出未來可能發展的機會。期待透過本研究,能提供旅行相關業者適時修正制定經營策略之參考。


TRIZ 矛盾矩陣 40創新原則 旅行業 陸客


On July 31, 1992, Taiwan government passed the “Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.” Since then, the relationship between the people in Taiwan and the people in Mainland China has become closer. People in both areas are allowed to visit relatives, get a job, go on a tour, participate in academic exchanges, and so on. And the number of Chinese nationals who come to Taiwan for sightseeing grows every year. Recently, the enormous China outbound market has drawn the attention of the world. Every nation, as well as our government, is trying hard to seize this opportunity. In fact, when a recession occurs, each government would hope to attract more tourists to increase income and decrease the unemployment rate. Thus, facilitating the development of tourism to attract Chinese visitors becomes an important policy. With the trend in the growth of cross-strait tourism, Taiwanese scholars have conducted lots of studies on this issue in order to explore its impact. While the theoretical methods and results of these studies about the travel and tourism practice are scrutinized, few of them can offer a suitable opportunity or guidance for the travel agents to follow in this competitive market. Thus the aim of this study is to explore the evolutionary trend in the cross-strait tourism market and seek future development opportunities by using the TRIZ Evolution Trends. With this study, I expect that the travel agents can take it as a reference and make timely correction when running their businesses.


1. 王宗彥、劉仁民、楊朋振、楊明青、何曼娟、謝永茂(2010),旅行業經營管
2. 朱瑞皓(2011),大陸觀光客對觀光旅遊政策、旅遊滿意度及再購意願之研究,銘傳大學觀光事業學系碩士在職專班碩士論文
3. 李奇嶽(2008) ,大陸人士來台觀光套裝行程研究,世新大學觀光學系碩士學位論文。
