  • 學位論文


Labor Experience and Occupational Injuries: Labor Regimes of Vietnamese migrant workers of Manufacturing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 龔宜君




This paper aims to understand the causes of occupational injury of the Vietnamese migrant workers occurring in the labor process in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. It focuses on the exploration of the labor system for the Vietnamese migrant workers in Taiwan's manufacturing sector and the impact of the agreement mechanism at the operating risk of Vietnam's workers. This study assumes that overtime mechanism is the key factor affecting the interviewee's agreement attitude against the operating at risk and the overtime mechanism is based on the price mechanism of the Taiwan-Vietnam cross-border labor market; the unsafe behavior in occupational hazards is a Vietnamese migrant workers' response to the mechanism or the whole structure, not just the result of the national cultural differences, language, or individual habit. The study also found that the interviewees did not receive the occupational safety and health-related education and training before they came to Taiwan. In Taiwan, if they work in small and medium factories, lacking an access to relevant training opportunities, so the hazard prevention and response mode is unknown to them. Because small and medium-scale factories apply less stringent legal provisions, in the occurrence of occupational accidents, the units are easy to avoid the government inspection. After the occupational accident, if the factories do not repair the broken machine, actually they can still it.


王宏仁,2004,〈他者論述、管理實務與在地抵抗: 以越南台商工廠為例〉,《東南亞學刊》,2004年10月,第一卷第二期,頁37-64。
