  • 學位論文


E-Health intervention to enhance health promotion of nurses

指導教授 : 劉潔心


本研究主要目的在發展一套有效的健康E化課程,並進一步探討其介入效果。本研究採「實驗組對照組前後測設計」,招募嘉義及新竹兩間區域醫院的護理人員為研究對象。實驗組接受研究者依據成人學習理論、網路教學策略、自我效能等理論而設計的課程,進行「健康E化」介入,它以「適性教育」、「同儕支持」、「專業的促進與支持」為介入方法;對照組則發給「健康台灣動起來」手冊。研究工具包括「HPL量表」及「SF-36量表」。經前、後測資料比對,扣除無效問卷,最後有效人數105人(實驗組50 人,對照組55人)。所得資料以卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、配對t檢定、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數分析及詹森-內曼法等進行分析,重要結果如下: 一、健康E化介入後,實驗組在「HPL量表」、「健康責任」次量表、「運動行為」次量表、「SF-36量表」、「生理健康」次量表,後測均顯著高於前測。 二、健康E化介入後,實驗組的「BMI」數值,後測顯著比前測小。 三、在控制前測分數以後,實驗組的「SF-36量表」後測顯著高於對照組。 四、當「生理健康」次量表的前測分數低於306.81分時,實驗組的後測顯著高於對照組,而且前測分數越低者其成效越大。 護理人員的健康生活型態應予重視;運用網際網路進行衛教將是未來的趨勢,健康E化提供了一個比面對面更方便、更可近性、可以同儕互相討論、能與專家溝通的平台。建議未來能多根據成人學習理論發展健康E化的課程。


This study aims to develop a set of effective e-health course and to further investigate its intervention effect. The experiments were designed based on Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, and nurses in two regional hospitals in Chia-yi and Hsin-chu was recruited. Experimental group received the course designed based on adult learning theory, internet teaching tactics and self-efficacy through e-health intervention. E-health intervention provided peer support communities, tailored education and professionally facilitated education and support program. Control group received “Healthy Taiwan on the Move” brochure. The study tools included “Health promotion lifestyle profile” and “Sort Form-36”. After comparing data measured before and after intervention, 105 persons gave effective results excluding invalid questionnaires (50 persons in experimental group and 55 in control). The data was analyzed with chi-square test, independent sample t-test, paired t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, ANCOVA analysis, and Johnson-Neyman method. Significant results were as followed: 1. After e-health intervention, the total score from “health promotion lifestyle profile” , “exercise behavior”, “health responsibility”, “SF-36”, “physiological health”, of experimental group measured after intervention was significantly higher than before. 2. After e-health intervention, the “body mass index” of experimental group measured after intervention was significantly lower than before. 3. After e-health intervention, the total score from “SF-36” in experimental group was significantly higher than that in control group. 4. When “physiological health” score measured before was lower than 306.81, the score measured after in experimental group was significantly higher than that in control group, and the lower the score measured before was, the greater efficacy achieved. It is important to pay attention to the lifestyles of nurses. Health education through internet is the tendency in future. E-health provides a more convenient and accessible way for the learners to discuss with each other and professionals, which is more effective than health education with brochure. We suggest to develop more e-health course, based on the adult learning theory.


何慧菁、張淑惠、曹瑞雲、張梅芳、陳永煌、楊燦(2010)。醫院員工工作壓力與身心健康之相關研究。中華職業醫學雜誌,17(4),239 -252。


