  • 學位論文


Effects of Using On-Line Cooperative Problem-Posing for the Sixth Grade in Elementary School on the Performance of Algebra Concept

指導教授 : 何榮桂


本研究旨在探討運用網路平台的合作環境,搭配「擬題活動」,對於學生代數學習成效和代數概念理解能力之影響,並探討學生在接受不同擬題教學活動之後,對其擬題能力之影響。 本研究運用Moodle平台設計一線上數學擬題系統,在線上擬題活動中採用「合作擬題」和「個人擬題」兩種教學模式。受試者為新北市國小六年級兩個班學生,採不等組前後測設計,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組,共60位學生。兩組學生分別接受「合作擬題」和「個人擬題」活動,並依所屬組別進行擬題、解題與回饋。在八週的擬題教學活動後,實施後測。 本研究結果如下所述。 1.接受合作擬題教學的學生在代數概念成就測驗表現優於個人擬題教學之學生。 2.接受合作擬題教學的學生擬題能力表現優於個人擬題教學之學生。 3.接受合作擬題教學的學生在代數概念理解能力表現優於個人擬題教學之學 生。


The purpose of this studywasto investigate whether using an on-linecooperativeenvironmentaccompany with problem posing activity could affect elementary school student’s ability and algebra concept. The study used Moodle to construct theon-line problem posing system. A quasi experimental non –control group designed was used in this study. The participants were 60 sixth grade studentsin Taipei City. There were two classes assigned to experimental group and control group. The experimental group received cooperative problem posing materials while control group received individual problem posing materials. After eight weeks practice, we conducted posttest. After the experiment, results of this studywere concluded as following: 1.The experimental group demonstrated better performance in the posttest than the control group. 2.The experimental group demonstrated better problem posing ability than the control group. 3.The experimental group demonstrated better comprehensiveability ofalgebra conceptthan the control group. Keywords: algebra concept, online cooperativelearning,problem posing, Moodle


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