  • 學位論文


A study of the development of pedagogical content knowledge- an example by a biology preservice teacher

指導教授 : 張永達




According to the perspective of studies on teacher planning, teacher’s knowledge is different between curriculum preparation and teaching in classroom in essence. However, studies on pedagogical content knowledge, or PCK, seldom points the difference. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the development of PCK during curriculum preparation. This is an interpretative study that chose a high school biology preservice teacher as the study subject with interviews and curriculum preparatory materials as data source. The results indicated that during curriculum preparation, the development in the subject matter knowledge, knowledge of curriculum organization and knowledge of representations were significant. The development of subject matter knowledge lies in constructing new knowledge and consolidating original knowledge, mainly through reading reference and solving problems encountered during the reading. The development of knowledge of curriculum organization, which presented in determining topics and orders in which they were taught, is achieved mainly through knowledge-based decision making. The development of knowledge of representations included the determination of the representations and their contents, mainly via knowledge-based decision making and mental rehearsal of interaction with students. Based on the results, the teacher education institution should design the goal and curriculum for the knowledge and abilities for which teachers demand which during curriculum preparation.


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