

在台灣使用草藥的歷史雖然悠久,但是對於草藥師的研究長期被學術界所忽略。筆者深感於草藥文化傳承之重要性,遂決定以民間草藥師之文化傳承,為我碩士論文研究的課題。 本論文將以草藥師為中心,探討台灣民間草藥的知識傳承之歷史背景及發展過程,並從民俗醫療角度探知其與草藥的關係。而草藥之藥材來源,包括:藥材生產的日期和時間、取得的方法等,販售圈、販售場所與草藥師之執業的關係,草藥與其他民俗療法之搭配運用的情形,以及草藥師在民俗療法之醫者的角色等,也是筆者欲探討研究的課題。 而依據本研究結果,筆者認為政府應加強培育優秀的草藥師人才、輔導草藥業轉型、對草藥醫療效果深入研究與推廣草藥知識。而筆者對經營草藥業的廠商,則提出草藥業者應順應市場導向、加強和國外廠商的合作與交流、及取得國際認證及專利等建言。筆者更期盼本研究成果對未來台灣草藥的發展、草藥業者之產業轉型有所助益與貢獻。


草藥師 青草店 藥市仔 草藥 中草藥 民間醫療


In Taiwan, there has been a long history of the use of herbal medicines. However, the research on traditional herbalists has long been ignored by the academic community. I was so deeply acknowledged the importance of such cultural heritage; therefore, I decided to study on the topic of cultural heritage carried by traditional herbalists for my master's thesis. This thesis will be centered on traditional herbalists in Taiwan and the historical background and development of their folk knowledge about herb medicine and their practice on herb medicine. Meanwhile, topics on where medicinal materials come from, when they are produced, and how they are extracted or procured are also addressed. The author would also like to discuss relationships that lie between the selling business, selling locations, and the practice of herbalists. Finally, the engaging and adjuvant actions of herb medicine in many folk remedies as well as the role that traditional herbalists play in these treatments will be equally studied in this thesis. Grounding on research results, the author believes that the authorities should actively develop talented while educated herbalists but also help in the transformation process of herbal industries. In-depth analysis and tests on treatments of herbal medicine are ought to made so as to provide a better knowledge. As for local manufacturers run for herbal medicine, the author provides several recommendations such as to go market- oriented, to intensify interactions and the cooperation with foreign companies, to seek certifications, and to file patents. In all, the author hopes that the future development and transformation of herbal industries in Taiwan can benefit from the conclusions and results drawn in this thesis.




∙中央研究院民族學研究所 《醫療與文化學術研討會會議資料(二)》。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。2002年。
∙杜正勝<作為社會史的醫療史——並介紹「疾病、醫療與文化」研討小組的成果>《新史學雜誌》,6(1)頁113—153 1995年。
∙林美容《台灣民間信仰研究書目增訂版》中央研究院台灣史田野研究室資料叢刊之三 台北: 中央研究院民族學研究所 1997。
