  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃乃熒


本研究旨在探討北部六縣市高級中學學校領導之全球在地化的現況,剖析不同個人背景變項與學校背景變項的學校教育人員知覺學校領導之全球在地化的差異情形,探討學校領導之全球在地化及其功能的關係,探究學校領導之全球在地化對其功能的預測力,了解學校領導之全球在地化的實踐困境,探求學校領導之全球在地化實踐困境的解決策略,並根據研究發現與結論,提出相關建議。 為達成研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究。蒐集與探究相關文獻,以建立本研究之理論架構,並編製「高級中學學校領導之全球在地化調查問卷」,作為研究工具。本研究以北部六縣市138所高級中學之校長、教師兼主任、教師兼組長、導師及專任教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷720份,回收有效問卷520份,有效回收率72.22%。問卷處理採SPSS for Windows 17.0套裝軟體程式進行統計分析,將所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究綜合文獻探討與研究結果,獲得以下結論: 一、學校領導之全球在地化歷程已發酵,惟仍有待全面推動。 二、兼任行政職務、服務年資較長及一般大學畢業的學校教育人員,對於學校領導之全球在地化具有較佳的認知情形。 三、私立及綜合高中的學校教育人員,對於學校領導之全球在地化具 有較佳的認知情形;縣轄市及校齡10至20年的學校教育人員則對學校領導之全球在地化具有較低的認知情形。 四、學校領導之全球在地化對其功能具有重要性。 五、行政及教師領導之全球在地化歷程擴大學生的學習機會。 六、行政領導之全球在地化歷程有力促進組織創新。 七、教師及校長領導之全球在地化歷程催化教師專業成長。 八、沈重工作負擔及缺乏資源整合管道阻礙學校領導之全球在地化的 實踐。 九、語言及專業知能的不足阻礙學校領導之全球在地化的實踐。 十、學校可建置校內外資源整合分享機制與溝通平臺。 十一、學校可發展特色行動及教學方案並建置教師專業學習社群。 最後,研究者依據本研究所獲之結論,分別針對教育行政機關、學校與未來研究提出相關建議,以供參考。


This study aims to investigate the present situation of school leadership for glocalization of senior high schools. , to analyze the different perceptions of school members with different backgrounds, to explore the relationship between school leadership for glocalization and its function, to explore the implementary difficulties of school leadership for glocalization, and to find out the solving strategies. In the end, related suggestions are provided according to the research results and conclusions. In order to achieve the research purposes, this study adopts the method of the questionnaire survey. “The questionnaire of school leadership for glocalization” is developed based on the literature review. The 720 subjects are randomly sampled from 138 senior high schools in Taiwan’s northern six cities and counties, and 520 effective questionnaires are collected. The data are analyzed by the SPSS for Windows version 17.0, and the statistical techniques are descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis are used. According to the findings of the study, several conclusions are synthesized as follow: 1. The process of school leadership for glocalization has emerged, but still needs to be promoted. 2. The school members who own administrative job position, work longer and graduate from general universities have better cognition about school leadership for glocalization. 3. The school educators from private and comprehensive schools have better cognition about school leadership for glocalization. However, The school educators whose schools are at counties and school history is between 10 to 20 years have lower cognition about school leadership for glocalization. 4. School leadership for glocalization is important to its function. 5. Administration and teacher leadership for glocalization enlarge students’ learning opportunities. 6. Administration leadership for glocalization contributes to the innovation of organizations. 7. Teacher and principal leadership catalyze teachers’ professional growth. 8. Heavy burden of work and lacking the ways of integrating resources hinder school leadership for glocalization. 9. Deficiency of language and professional competences hinder school leadership for glocalization. 10. Schools can establish a integrating and sharing mechanism and of inner and outside resources. 11. Schools can develop distinguishing projects of action and teaching, and develop teachers’ professional learning communities. Finally, relevant advices deduced from this study will be provided for educational administration authorities, schools and future researchers.


