  • 學位論文


The Comprehension and Practice of Narrative Therapy----Explain with a Counseling Case in Narrative Research

指導教授 : 金樹人


本論文研究主要在敘述研究者對敘事治療的理解與實踐的歷程。研究目的包括:1.以一個諮商案例做說明,描述在敘事治療取向的諮商歷程中,案主所經歷的變化歷程。2.在這樣敘事治療取向的諮商歷程中,瞭解使案主能產生上述改變歷程的敘事治療介入方式與特殊問話有哪些。3.瞭解在諮商歷程與研究歷程的實踐過程中,研究者內在產生怎樣的反思與對敘事治療的新理解。 本研究諮商個案為一位二十多歲女性,案主問題原屬生涯議題。本研究以敘說研究為研究方法,將諮商歷程當成文本,做進一步詮釋與產生反思。 本研究結果顯示:1.案主在諮商中的變化歷程,包括了四個階段:茫然期、混亂期、沈澱期與豁朗期。2.在諮商歷程中,諮商師所運用的敘事治療的各種介入方式與問話技術,包括:詮釋性的問話、問題外化與命名、相對影響的問話、獨特結果的問話、行動藍圖與意義藍圖的問話、重新入會、他人觀點的問話、未來願景的問話、自我偏好的問話等,介入的方式也包括了:運用故事與隱喻、運用證書、圖畫、信件等等。促使這些問話與介入技術能發揮功能的,尤其是諮商師的態度,包括好奇、欣賞、幽默、不確定等。3.最後,研究者進一步去整合諮商歷程與研究歷程中對敘事治療所產生的新理解與實踐性反思,闡述後現代生涯諮商如何回歸到人的本質,以及互為主體的諮商與敘說研究方式,如何使諮商師與研究者更能真實地與案主互動。


The main purpose of this thesis is to describe the comprehension and practice process of the researcher to narrative therapy. The purposes of the study are as follows: 1. There is a counseling case to explain how the process of the client had changed by applying narrative therapy. 2. In the process of counseling, to understand what intervention methods of narrative therapy and special dialog could change the counseling process of the client. 3. To understand the process of counseling and the practice of the narrative therapy how influence the researcher to have new thinking and understanding of it. The client of the thesis is about twenty years old female, and her problem is categorized to career issue. The study method of the thesis is narrative research. To take the whole counseling process as text and further to interpret and introspect. The result of the study is shown as follow: 1. The counseling process of the client includes the four phases: disorientation phase, confusion phase, the phase of contemplation and the phase of clear mind. 2. In the counseling process, counselor had used the different intervenient method and question technique from narrative therapy. They are including the interpretation question, externalization, name, relative influence question, unique outcomes question, meaning landscape question and active landscape question , re-membering question, the question of others aspect, the prospected question, self-preference question and so on. The intervention methods are also including story, metaphors, certificates, drawing and letters and so on. To push ahead of these intervention method and question technique work is especially from the curious, appreciated attitude and the sense of humor and non-so sure of the counselor. 3. At last, the researcher further to integrate all of the new understanding and introspection of the practice during the counseling and the different thinking of the practice during the counseling and study process, and to expound how the postmodern counseling should return to one is innate character, the intersubjective counseling and the method of narrative research, how to make the counselor and research could have truly interactive with clients.


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