  • 學位論文


A study of exploring the important experiences of environmental learning and practicing---An example of holding a volunteer training workshop for ELC(environmental learning center)in Miaoli County

指導教授 : 張子超


雖然全球各國已經相當重視環境教育,然而我們總覺得環境教育的成效有限,所影響的範圍也不大。面對著如此問題,為使環境教育的理念更深入全人類的思想中,我們可以透過社會學習,增進對環境的關懷與行動力,才能將環境教育真正落實於生活中。 但現今的教育只重知識的傳遞,缺乏實務經驗,造就了許多理論專家而非經驗專家。因此,本研究將從個人生命經驗出發,利用生命史(life course)自傳式研究,把投入環境教育領域的源起以及研究所三年來所學習有關環境教育專業知識理念的背景,將其實踐於研究者有機會承辦「苗栗縣明德水庫環境學習中心教學志工招募暨研習活動」的過程。當中所發生的每一件關鍵事項,以事件發生的詳實記錄(包括相關文件、錄音帶、研究札記、個人日記),暨深入回憶的方式,將源起、理念學習到最後實踐之間分成七個階段。探討在推展環境教育的過程中,針對個人不管是環境學習或實踐上,有那些關鍵點可以著力,以使環境教育在正規教育以及非正規教育的發展上,可以更順利的推行。所以本研究的主要研究問題為:(一)研究者的個人環境覺知與敏感度的形成原因與發展歷程?(二)研究者個人的環境態度建立與投入環境教育工作的積極動力如何產生?(三)研究者經由推動環境教育研習的實際經驗與環境行動技能培養的相互關係?(四)環境教育研究所的學習歷程對促成研究者環境學習的影響? 最後將研究歷程中的伏筆、燃點、機緣、蟄伏、過程掙扎、實作及自我省思與成長等七個階段的內容作一歸納總結。不僅將學習與實踐歷程中的深刻體驗詳實記錄,更重要的是,以個人經驗把環境學習與實踐歷程中,所遭遇的狀況問題如實呈現。因此,各階段討論與分析主題包括環境學習、進入環境教育、跨領域思考與學習、做中學及溝通與環境教育、知識權力與環境教育、伙伴關係與環境教育等。以及研究者在這樣的過程所發現六項環境教育理念與實踐間的對話:環境學習與實踐之間是一個綿密的食物網、環境教育是一個傾聽的教育、環境教育是一個跳板、環境教育理念與實踐間是一個溝通的過程、環境教育是全人教育的養成之道、推動環境教育是愛的實踐。


環境學習 生命史 環境教育


The achievement of Environmental Education (EE) is not as remarkable as we think, though a great deal of effort has gone into EE by all countries around the world. To make EE more effective and to make concepts of EE deep in every mind of world citizens, the abilities of practical experiences and social learning have to be improved to increase people’s concerns and action abilities for the environment. Nowadays, knowledge-transmitting is emphasized too much so that practical experiences are neglected. Hence this research focuses on personal life experiences and the autobiographic study of life course is used as a research method. The life course in this study is about why the researcher started to contact EE, what professional knowledge the researcher learned in the Graduate Institute of EE (GIEE) in National Taiwan Normal University, and how the researcher planed and executed a conference workshop of volunteer training for a Environmental Learning Center in Miaoli County. There are four research questions provoked to analyze the life history : how the researcher started to develop her environmental awareness and sensitivity, how the researcher developed her environmental attitude and created her active driving forces of getting involved into EE, how the researcher’s practical experiences of holding a workshop of EE training improved her environmental actions skills, and how the study process in GIEE affected the researcher’s environmental learning. Every key event is truly recalled and described in detail in fieldnotes, tape-recording, video tapes, and personal diaries. The life course of the researcher’s environmental learning and practicing is divided into seven stages:environmental learning, entry into the field of EE, thinking and learning multidisciplinarily, learning by doing, communication with EE, knowledge with EE, and partnership with EE. Six dialogues between environmental learning and practicing are found as well: the interaction between environmental learning and practicing is like a delicate food web, EE is a process that careful listening to nature and people, EE is a stepping-stone, the interaction between EE learning and practices is a communicating process, EE is a to cultivate a whole human, practicing EE is practicing love.


黃建榮(2000):《探索劉力學(Pierre Loisel)的重要生命經驗與環境行動在環境教育上的意義》。國立台灣師範大學環境教育研究所,碩士論文。


