  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文典


摘  要 本研究的主要目的在探討「引導式教學」的教學活動,對學生「學習科學的態度」之影響,以及老師和學生在進行此種教學活動時,學生的反應及看法。本研究發現,利用「引導式教學」的方式,讓學生對一個很大的問題,區分成一些小問題,再逐一藉著討論研討的方式來進行解決,最後再予以綜合。這一種教學的方式,有幾個優點: 一、學生學習到如何將大問題解析成小問題,在同學互相討論過程中,學習如何認識問題的本質,並解析成小問題來予以解決。 二、整個學習過程由學生親自參與思辨、規劃工作及設計實驗,最後獲得數據並歸納結論,皆由學生自主進行,讓同學真正能體會解決問題的過程。這一種教學的結果,學生不僅對科學概念更為清楚,並且也由於自己親自參與,而引發學習的興趣。 三、在學習過程中學生可以進行大量的實驗,也可以自行設計實驗檢驗自己的想法,能有效增進學生技能方面的訓練。 四、由於學習過程學生互相討論、互相擊發,彼此處於一種競爭及合作的狀態下,讓課堂上的氣氛熱絡,學習變得更為有趣,同時學生之間互動頻繁,也增進了學生之間的情感。 雖然「引導式教學」的教學方式無法讓學生完全自主進行學習活動,但經過這種教學方式之後,學生在學習上更為主動,並且在認知、技能及情意目標的達成皆比以往有所增進,是一種值得推薦的教學法。


Abstract The main purpose of this research is to discuss the activities of the Inductive Teaching Method, the influence toward students’ “attitude of learning science,” as well as their reactions and viewpoints during the proceeding of this teaching activity between teachers and students. With regard to a major problem, it is found that by using this Inductive Teaching Method to allow students to divide it into minor problems, then, based on research and discussion methods, to proceed step by step, as well as eventually integrate the problems. There are some advantages of this teaching method: 1. During inter-discussion process, students have learned how to analyze those major problems, recognize their essential characteristics and solve them by analyzing them as minor ones. 2. Students personally take part in the entire learning process of thinking, identifying, planning and designing experiments as well as obtaining digits and inducting conclusions by themselves in an independent way, in order to allow students to understand the process of problem solving. The results of this kind of teaching method will not only assist students in understanding scientific concepts more clearly, but also attract their learning interests through self-participation. 3. During the learning process, a large quantity of experiments can be proceeded as well as experiments for exploring ways of thinking/idea development also can be self-designed in order to effectively increase students skills training. 4. Due to inter-discussion, attack and development during the learning process, atmosphere in the classroom will be very intimate under this competitive and cooperative circumstances, thus, learning will become more interesting. Meanwhile, the affection between students will be increased through the frequency of interactions between themselves. Although the Inductive Teaching Method disallows students to proceed learning activities completely independently, through this methodology, they will be more active in learning, as well as more aggressive in achieving recognition, skills and emotional goals. It is really a worthy recommended teaching methodology.






謝嘉文(2011)。探究取向教學對國小二年級學童 問題解決能力與對科學的態度之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100439
