  • 學位論文


Construction and Social Support Networks of the Elderly Care after Longevity

指導教授 : 張清富


壽命逐年延長已經不再是罕見的現象,長命百歲也不再是夢想,然而隨著人口結構的高齡化,若要再拉高平均壽命已經不是生命重點,老年生活需求已不再只是遮風避雨的場所,老人在享受長壽之餘,總希望「活得老、更要活得好」,老年養老不應只是被侷限於生命歷程的末端,反而是對長壽養老有所規劃與準備。 高齡社會除了壽命增長之外,對老年生活亦有重大影響,如果無法從人口結構平衡中窺探端倪,為長壽養老及早規劃,而將老人長壽視為「醫事進步國家」的指標,或是「政府自然會照顧我們」的樂觀主義,屆時恐怕是最嚴重的社會危機。長壽養老是二十一世紀台灣社會面臨的挑戰,如何回應挑戰積極因應,建構長壽養老生活,是本研究深入探討的主題。 本研究以長壽為概念,從理解人口老化與家庭變遷的關聯性,探討長壽養老的建構與人際互動的社會支持網絡,並由養老生活變化端倪中,凸顯長壽養老所涵蓋的社會位置。以健康自主、經濟安全、學習動能、環境安全、核心價值及社會支持網絡各層面的生活建構,形塑養老新契機,未雨綢繆為長壽養老生活提供前瞻性關注,並作為社會長期性領先布局的參考。


長壽 養老 社會支持 社會網絡


Life extension yearly is no longer a rare phenomenon and longevity is no longer a dream. However, with aging of population structure, to pull up life expectancy is not focus of life and the old people’s requirement is not merely looking for physical shelter. The elderly are expecting living better beyond living longer while enjoying longevity. On the one hand, the elderly would not merely aim at the length of life. On the other hand, they should carefully prepare and plan their elderly life. Besides our life increase, aging society also has a significant impact on the elderly life. If we can not see the clues from population structural balance for longevity retirement planning early, but only consider the elderly longevity a “medical progress state” indicator, or have a optimism for “the government will naturally take care of us”, we will probably face the most serious social crisis. In the twenty-first century, Taiwanese society is facing a challenge for longevity and life for the elderly. How to respond to the challenge, to cope it actively and construct a favorable life for the elderly in Taiwan is the main topic of this research. In the research, we try to understand the relationship between aging population and family structure, to explore construction of longevity and the elderly care, to investigate personal interaction of social support networks from the concept of longevity. We also highlight longevity and the elderly life covered by social position. Using autonomous health management, economic security, learning aggressiveness and momentum, environmental safety, core values and social support networks at all levels of life to construct life, to shape new opportunities of the elderly plan, and to provide advance concerns for longevity and the elderly life should be a long-term reference framework for our aging society.


林麗惠,2007,〈從高齡教育機構開設的課程類別評析高齡學習內容之發展趨勢〉。《課程與教學季刊》10:83-96 。
