  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study on Teaching Mandarin Chinese via Traditional Chinese Knot Art

指導教授 : 謝潮儀


對外華語的教學過程中,文化的傳輸是逐步增加的,由表及裡的過程。 有鑑於過去論文大多以純華語文教學的教學角度研究教學理論的應用,目前還未見將民俗藝術文化課中的實作課程,依實際環境需求來研究其呼應的教學理論與教學法,並將其運用於華語文教學。由於傳統結藝在海外民俗藝術課程中是推廣最久最普遍的項目之一,本研究將以民俗藝術中的傳統結藝為代表,評估融入華語文教學之可行性。 本研究為半結構性訪談為主,為達成研究目的,研究者藉文獻調查整理結藝歷史中的多元文化面向,藉由訪談互動中討論在非華語背景環境中,學習者與教學者對結藝文化課程的觀點、期待和願景。目的是要研究中華民俗藝術文化課程在美國的外語教學協會(ACTFL)所制定第二外國語之教學目標下,以傳統結藝為例,應用融入華語文教學的可行性,研究整合專業華語文老師在傳統結藝文化課程的方向和策略。 從研究結果得知,傳統結藝融入文化華語課程中是實際且可行的,做中學的教學法在美式教育中已普遍運用,結藝文化融入華語文教學,不僅學習語言、還可融入華人吉祥象徵及民俗學的文化領域。不但可以讓海外華裔學習者認識本國傳統結藝文化,也亦可同時符合5C外語教學方向。 本文共分六章節,第一章說明研究背景與動機,研究目的與研究方法。第二章為相關研究回顧。第三章為本研究之師生訪談。第四章為傳統結藝融入華語教學之可行性評估。第五章是對傳統結藝與華語教學結合之未來展望與設計芻議。第六章依據研究對傳統結藝融入華語文教學的可能性提出結論與建議。


While studying the Mandarin Chinese language the gradual accumulation and internalization of the culture is inevitable. This thesis intends to examine current teaching theories in practice in folk arts classes conducted in Mandarin Chinese and in a practical setting, particularly teaching theorem and methods. This paper will focus in particular on the instruction of traditional Chinese knot arts in an overseas folk arts class and the feasibility of the integration of the arts and the instruction of Mandarin Chinese. This paper will rely primarily on surveys and has been categorized to best represent the interaction between the learners and teachers of Mandarin Chinese, their interests in the arts, and expectations. The goal is to research the feasibility of the integration of traditional Chinese arts into courses for non-heritage learners of Mandarin Chinese as defined by ACTFL. Through this research we hope to learn whether or not the integration of traditional Chinese knot art into the Mandarin Chinese curriculum will better assist the learning of the language. This paper also hopes in addition of assisting overseas Chinese students in becoming familiar with their ethnic culture but following the learning goals of the 5Cs. This paper has been divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter will discuss motivation and background of this study as well as the goals and research methods. The second chapter will review related research and the third chapter will discuss the survey results of the learners and teachers. The fourth chapter will discuss the feasibility of teaching Mandarin Chinese via traditional Chinese knot art. The fifth chapter will discuss the future prospects and curriculum design for the integration of traditional Chinese knot art and teaching Mandarin as a second language. The sixth chapter will offer conclusions and suggestions on the integration of the traditional Chinese knot art and teaching Mandarin as a second language.


29.許功明(1998.10)。〈博物館的展演及其理念〉,《博物館學季刊》第12卷第4 期。
