  • 學位論文

都市層級物質流分析指標及案例探討 ─以台灣南北二都為例

Urban Material Flow Analysis Indicator and Case Study: The Example of Two Metropolises in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李育明


本研究就區域考量,選擇新北市與高雄市作為案例探討對象。研究主要延伸經濟體物質流分析架構,以建立都市層級之物質流分析架構。而分析項目根據經濟體物質流分析統計表及都市統計資料庫進行篩選,投入面考量糧食、能源及礦物;產出面則包括空氣污染物、固體廢棄物、水污染及資源回收。為進一步分析都市資源使用效率,本研究彙整經濟體物質流分析指標、資源效率指標及綠色成長指標,建構6個面向,共14個物質流分析指標。 分析結果顯示,2011年新北市之總物質投入4.94MMT,糧食為0.13MMT、能源為3.55MMT、砂石為1.25MMT,總產出則為17.47MMT,溫室氣體排放量為17.31MMT、灰渣產量為0.14MMT、水污染量排放量為0.01MMT,資源回收量則為0.64MMT。而高雄市之總物質投入量則為27.14MMT,糧食為1.64MMT、能源為21.25MMT、砂石為4.24MMT,總產出量為59.14MMT,溫室氣體排放量為58.79MMT、灰渣產量為0.32MMT、水污染排放量為0.02MMT,而資源回收量則是0.49MMT。 經由資源生產力相關指標分析發現,資源生產力、糧食生產力、能源生產力、二氧化碳生產力、水資源生產力新北市皆比高雄市高,人均物質使用量、人均耗電量、人均二氧化碳生產力、人均廢棄物產生量則是高雄市比新北市高。以上原因為何如此,本研究利用新北市與高雄市之農工商服務業產值而得知,主要原因為產業結構,新北市之主要產業為服務業,高雄市則是工業重鎮,才使得資源使用量有明顯的差異。


This study selected New Taipei City (in northern Taiwan) and Kaohsiung City (in southern Taiwan) for analysis because of their demographic and industrial structures. A framework of an economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) was established at the urban level. Some indicators were derived from EW-MFA statistics and the urban statistical database. These indicators were grouped into the categories of input (food, energy, and minerals) and output (air pollutant, solid waste, wastewater, and recycling). To measure the resource productivity of New Taipei City and Kaohsiung City, 14 MFA indicators (i.e., EW-MFA indicators, resource efficiency indicators, and green growth indicators) were grouped into six dimensions. The analysis results indicated that in 2011, New Taipei City had a total material input of 4.94 million metric tons (MMT), which comprised food (0.13 MMT), energy (3.55 MMT), and sandstone (1.25 MMT). The total output of this city amounted to 17.47 MMT, which comprised greenhouse gas emissions, (17.31 MMT), ash production (0.14 MMT), wastewater effluent (0.01 MMT), and recycling amount (0.64 MMT). Over the same period, Kaohsiung City had a total material input of 27.14 MMT, which comprised food (1.64 MMT), energy (21.25 MMT), and sandstone (4.24 MMT). The total output of this city reached 59.14 MMT, which comprised greenhouse gas emissions (58.79 MMT), ash production (0.32 MMT), wastewater effluent (0.02 MMT), and recycling amount (0.49 MMT). An analysis of resource productivity indicators revealed that compared with Kaohsiung City, New Taipei City performed relatively favourably regarding resource, food, energy, carbon, and water productivity; whereas Kaohsiung City had a higher per capita material, energy, carbon, and waste production than did New Taipei City. A comparison of the output values of the different industries in both cities elucidated these intercity differences in resource consumption: The majority of industrial activities in New Taipei City are concentrated in the tertiary sector whereas that in Kaohsiung is concentrated in the secondary sector.


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