  • 學位論文


The Research About Connection of Ground and Underground Walking Spaces Around Taipei Main Station

指導教授 : 王世燁


台北車站為我國重要的交通設施,平均每日至少處理約42萬人次的交通流量,相當繁忙,但其空間常使民眾有迷路的現象發生,尤其步行空間是旅客轉乘以及前往各目的地的媒介空間,更有妥善規劃之必要。因此本文設計一項包含尋路實驗及問卷調查之調查計畫,透過使用者的外在行為與內在心理感受,檢視台北車站周邊地上地下步行空間連結之情形,以下說明: 一、空間使用情形:受測者的尋路類型可分為地上型、地下型與混合型。混合使用步行空間情形不在少數,但使用單一步行空間尋路表現卻優於混合使用者,顯示步行空間垂直連結有問題。此外複雜的步行空間易影響路徑選擇的一致性,且讓受測者的過去使用經驗無法應用在本次實驗路徑,此為步行空間水平連結的問題。 二、空間連結情形:實驗的呈現結果及問卷調查的分析,本文認為台北車站周邊步行空間連結的問題,水平連結上,於地上步行空間忽略跨街廓的連結,於地下步行空間則是不同區域的連結不佳,另外步行空間垂直連結的問題在於空間轉換之不平等與便利設施不足。 三、空間需求:因此本文認為台北車站需提供立體簡明路徑,滿足使用者大部分步行活動並降低尋路問題的發生。 是以本文建議改善台北車站周邊步行空間,空間上規劃步行軸線以維持台北車站地區步行空間意象,設備上則設置輔助尋路設施以改善現況。


台北車站 步行空間 尋路 連結


Taipei main station is an important transportation facility in Taiwan. It deals with about 42 millions travel trips everyday, but its space structures often make the people confused. Especially all people need using walking spaces around Taipei Main Station, whatever transferring trains or reach the goal place. This article designed a survey planning that contained wayfinding experiment and questionnaire. To view the connection situation of ground and underground walking spaces around Taipei Main Station by user’s external behavior and internal psychological feelings. The results are as follows: 1. There are three wayfinding types, they are ground type, underground type and mixed type. The percentage of using ground and underground walking spaces is high, but the wayfinding performance that using single space only is batter than using ground and underground. It means that there is connection problem between ground and underground walking spaces. Complex walking spaces affect testee not select the same way back and forth also. 2. The ground walking spaces should strengthen links across the street blocks, and underground walking space should well connect different regions. In addition to the level of walking spaces links, Taipei Main Station also need to be strengthened vertical links ground and underground spaces. 3. Taipei Main Station should planning three-dimensional clear path to satisfy people most part of walking activities and reduce wayfinding problems happened. This article suggests that the walking spaces around Taipei Main Station need to be improved. On the walking space, Taipei Main Station should make sure main path to establish the image of walking spaces. On the equipment, we can set some auxiliary wayfinding facilities to reduce wayfinding problems.


2.O’Neill, M. J., 1991,"Effects of signage and floor plan configuration on wayfinding accuracy" ,Environment and Behavior, 23(5), 553-574.
