  • 學位論文


Creditor Protection in Corporate Insolvency Procedures: Focus on Exercise and Realization of Creditors' Rights

指導教授 : 林國彬


2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟向美國破產法院提出聲請,尋求美國破產法典第十一章的救濟。一夕之間,企業破產成為公眾關注的焦點,因為其對社會及經濟均造成顯著的衝擊。早期的法律,破產完全是債權人的救濟手段。然而今日,破產制度最重要之目的,係作為債務人的救濟手段。現代的債務清理立法,旨在保護無力償債的債務人,免受其債權人侵擾,並且調和債務人與債權人相關利益。 本論文共分為六章。第一章以2008年金融海嘯作為本論文的引子。第二章則勾勒出債務清理法制的架構。第三章為比較台灣和美國具體的債務清理程序。第四章討論債權人保護的主要議題。第五章檢討我國的相關立法。第六章提出結論,即使當企業無力償債時,也應負起其社會責任,宜將債務人與債權人的利益衝突最小化,而將企業的價值極大化。 就類型而言,廣義的破產分為兩種類型。第一種較為單純,乃指清算型破產。第二種破產類型則被稱為重建型破產。大型企業比小型企業肩負更大的企業社會責任,因此對於一個財務艱困的大型企業來說,較佳的選擇,是透過重建型程序使公司存續經營,而非選擇清算型程序消滅破產公司法人格。 而本論文探討核心的債務清理債權,係債權人自破產財團獲得分配的根據。本論文詳加討論的債務清理債權之類型,分別是有爭議債權、侵權損害債權、和有擔保債權。這些債權的持有人在行使和實現其權利時,會遭遇不同的困難。本論文比較並分析當公司進入債務清理程序時,美國和我國對於這些債權人的保護措施。由於我國現行相關債務清理法制尚在發展階段,分析其他法制先進國家在債務清理領域保護債權人的機制,將能提供有助益的指標,使促成適合我國的債務清理法制。


This thesis was inspired by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ("LBHI") bankruptcy protection filing in the United States (“U.S.”). On September 15, 2008, LBHI filed a petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court seeking relief under chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Corporate bankruptcy became the centre of public attention overnight, for it made a significant impact on the society and economy. Under the early law, bankruptcy was exclusively a creditor’s remedy. But bankruptcy today is most important as a debtor’s remedy. The modern insolvency legislation aims to protect the insolvent debtor from the creditors, and balance their respective interests. This thesis comprises six chapters. Chapter One introduces this thesis with the 2008 Financial Tsunami. Chapter Two of this thesis outlines the framework of insolvency regime. Chapter Three compares the concrete corporate insolvency procedures in Taiwan and the U.S. Chapter Four discusses the key issues of creditor protection. Chapter Five examines the related legislation in our country. Finally, Chapter Six concludes that a business should take its social responsibility even if it is insolvent by minimizing conflicts of interests between the debtor and creditors, and maximizing the firm value. There are two types of bankruptcy. The first, and most simple type, is a bankruptcy liquidation. The second type of bankruptcy is usually referred to as reorganization or rehabilitation bankruptcy. Big businesses have greater corporate social responsibility than small businesses do, so it would be better if a distressed big business chooses reorganization bankruptcy to survive as a going concern rather than choose bankruptcy liquidation to eliminate the insolvent entity. A claim is the basis for a distribution from the bankruptcy estate. Certain types of claims are discussed in detail in this thesis. They are disputed claims, tort claims and secured claims. The holders of such claims encounter different difficulties in exercising and realizing their rights. This thesis compares and analyzes the protections of such creditors when corporations enter the zone of insolvency in the U.S. and Taiwan. Since current Taiwan insolvency laws remain largely out of date, an analysis of mechanisms of creditor protection in the zone of insolvency in another developed jurisdiction could provide helpful guidance in shaping Taiwan insolvency laws.




