  • 學位論文


The Study on Artificial Reproduction and Parentage Law

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


現今社會因生活壓力及環境污染,不孕之機會因此增加,人工生殖醫療技術應運而生,生殖技術進步雖為不孕夫妻帶來孕育下一代之希望,但其亦伴隨醫療、倫理以及法律層面相關問題,而人工生殖所生產之子女更與親子法上親子關係產生關聯。       現代親子法制首重子女最佳利益,就家庭組成與婚姻的意義,亦因現代社會多元發展與變遷,而與傳統之概念有所不同。我國人工生殖法公布施行至今已5年餘,因其適用範圍有限,恐不及迅速發展之生殖科技,致無法因應現實情況,而產生其他法律未為規範相關問題;其中,人工生殖科技將使親子關係組合有多樣性之變化,故本論文將以人工生殖與親子法為範圍探討研究。本文主要係以美國法為借鏡研究探討人工生殖,透過蒐集我國與美國相關文獻資料,整理因人工生殖科技所帶來之法律與親子關係等血親建構原則,並探討相關問題,以及歸納人工生殖對親子法之影響,來與我國人工生殖與親子法之規範加以對照,以作為我國對此議題未來發展之參考。   本文計分為六章,第一章為緒論,主要為說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法。第二章則介紹人工生殖之概念,其次,說明常見人工生殖方式,以及生殖技術之發展趨勢,並對於我國法規範所禁止之代孕人工生殖技術為介紹。第三章就我國之親子法與人工生殖相關規範為討論,並詳述行政院衛生署國民健康局版本之「代孕人工生殖法」草案。第四章則針對美國親子法與人工生殖相關規範為介紹,除法規範外,就人工授精、試管嬰兒與代孕人工生殖之親子關係建構原則,與配合美國實務判決檢視人工生殖問題實務現狀,與法院判決之論理對其為評析。第五章為我國人工生殖與親子關係之實務與檢討;最後,第六章為本論文之結論,提出個人對於人工生殖相關議題之看法與提出建議。 我國人工生殖法之限制嚴格,恐不能解決實務上因人工生殖產生之諸多問題,不合人工生殖法規範之生殖方式,現行實務之判決回歸以民法親屬編規範,可能造成親子關係認定解釋不一之矛盾情形;學生以為,或可考量修訂人工生殖法,以法規範允許非配偶間之人工生殖,以及代孕人工生殖方式,以期保障人工生殖子女之身分利益。


Owing to the pressure and environmental pollution, the possibility of infertility is increased. Artificial assisted reproductive technology enables childless individuals and couples to become parents. However, modern technological advances in the field of assisted reproduction have raised difficult legal and ethical issues. The status between children of assisted reproduction and their parents are related to Parentage Law. One of the main purposes of Parentage Law is the doctrine of best interests of child. Since the the diverse relationship among people today, definitions of family and marriage are changed. The Artificial Reproduction Act has been enacted for more than 5 years in Taiwan, and only applied to married couples, where the wife's uterus can carry a fetus and give birth to a child. It can not resolve the problem arising from illegal artificial reproductive cases in real life. In order to discuss paternity of children of artificial reproduction, this paper studies the matter of artificial reproductive issues and parentage law, from text books, law reviews, articles, judicial judgments of Taiwan and U.S as well. There are 6 chapters in this paper. The first chapter is the prolegomenon, including research motivation, purpose of artificial reproduction and parent-child relationship. Chapter 2 describes the concepts of artificial reproduction and reproductive technology development trend, and introduces the gestational surrogacy artificial reproductive technology which is currently prohibited in Taiwan. Chapter 3 studies the rules of the Parentage Law, Artificial Reproduction Act, and the draft of Surrogacy Artificial Reproduction Act of Taiwan. Chapter 4 analyzes Family Law, Parentage Law, and judicial judgments related to artificial reproductive cases. Chapter 5 discusses the illegal artificial reproductive issues in Taiwan, and points out the problems when illegal artificial reproductive cases take place in real life. The last chapter is conclusion and personal recommendations. In Taiwan, there are still lots of restrictions in legal aspect of Artificial Reproduction. The legislation should reconsider the need of the infertility people who are unmarried as well as married with the technology of Artificial Reproduction including surrogacy artificial reproduction, and revise the current rules.


李如悅、劉世煒,生殖科技之法規,臺灣醫學,第14卷第4期, 2010年4月。


