  • 學位論文


High-efficiency nano-based waterproof boxboard

指導教授 : 甘廣宙


人類文明在歷經前兩個世紀的工業革命,目前第四次工業革命的腳步儼然已隨著【奈米科技】的興起而到來,且由於其涵蓋領域甚廣,潛在的影響範圍遠超過半導體資訊產業,因此目前世界各國無不競相投注大量的人力與資金進行相關的研究開發。 在產業方面,奈米科學與技術已成為 21 世紀科技與產業發展最大的驅動力,奈米物質組成的運動規律、相互作用與可能發展實際應用的科學技術,其中包含許多核心技術如:奈米材料技術、奈米生物技術、奈米表面技術、奈米檢測技術、奈米粉粒製造技術、奈米微機電電腦輔助設計、奈米污染防治技術及奈米光電學,未來將如同 20 世紀 70 年代微米技術在世紀之交的資訊革命中,所扮演的重要關鍵角色,創造新一波的工業革命與新興產業。 目前防水紙板主要用於遠洋漁業的漁獲儲存與水果的儲存上,傳統使用的紙板為瓦楞紙板,瓦楞紙板是由工業用紙(牛皮面紙、瓦楞芯紙)經過複瓦機的壓楞、貼合、壓線、裁切等四個步驟所製成。為達到防水效果,一般通常於紙板的製造過程中,於牛皮面紙的表面塗佈一層蠟或撥水劑(Water repellent agent)(通常是以特殊蠟及松香做成)。但主要缺點為防水效果並非十分理想,溼氣不斷的侵蝕長期待在冷藏庫裡的低溫下的紙板,使防水效果因時間的增加而逐漸變差,也使得紙板本身的強度變差,層層堆疊的紙箱容易因此倒塌。本研究的目的是研製奈米級的撥水劑,藉由適度摻雜奈米材料,使撥水劑能有效提高防水效果,並提高紙板本身的強度。


奈米級 撥水劑 防水紙板


Humanity civilization has been going through the industrial revolution in previous centuries. Now, it seems that the fourth industrial revolution is coming after the rising of the nano technology. Because it covers so widely, the revolution potentially affects more than the semiconductor and information industries do. Therefore, every country in the world invests a lot of manpower and funds in doing researches and developments which are related to the nano technology. About the industry, nano science and technology have become the biggest driven power to make the technology and industry in progress. Regular motions and interactions are composed by nano materials, and possibly developed science technology in practical applications. Among these, they include much core technology, such as: nano material technology、nano biology technology、nano surface technology、nano measurement technology、nano powder manufacturing technology、nano micro mechanical and electrical computer assisting design、nano technology of pollutions prevention and nano optical-electronics. In the future, nano technology will create a new industrial revolution and develop newly risen industry, which is just like the micrometer technology played an important and significant part during the information revolution between 1970s and 21 century. For the time being, waterproof corrugated boxboards are mainly used to store fishes from pelagic fishing. They are also used to store the fruit. Corrugated boxboards are making of industrial papers (kraft-top liner, medium paper). Making paperboards needs four steps: corrugating, boding, scoring and cutting. In order to be waterproof, while making the corrugated boxboards, on the surface of the kraft-top liner is usually coated a layer of wax or water repellent agent, which is usually made from special wax and resin. But the main defect of waster repellent agent is that the waterproof level is not perfectly ideal. When the boxboards stay long in refrigerator in very low temperature, the waterproof level will decrease passing through along with the time which is because the humid air keeps permeate into the boxboards. The strength of the boxboard may become weaker. Consequently, cartons which are made of the boxboards can collapse more easily when they are stacked up. The purpose of this research is to develop a kind of nano-based water repellent agent. By doping nano material appropriately, the water repellent agent may be able to increase the waterproof level of the boxboard effectively and also able to strengthen the boxboard.


nano-based water repellent agent boxboard


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