  • 學位論文


Optimization of The De-Flash Process for EMC Leadframe

指導教授 : 陳文瑞


EMC(Epoxy Molding Compound)是採用新的環氧樹脂(Epoxy)材料和載料片蝕刻技術在壓模設備(Molding)封装下的一種高度集成化的框架形式,在成型過程中,由於載片與Epoxy經高溫高壓黏合過程會有膠滲(溢)出情形,在無過往歷史Data可參考下電解(De-flash)僅能仰賴工程師依據支架Type與密度作不同參數設定。 由於現今的人員流動率高、經驗傳承困難,以及產品品質變異大與精密度的要求日益提升,導致製程參數設定上無法長期依賴工程師的經驗與直覺。因此,本研究提出一個漸進式方法之直交表針對電解參數設計及允差設計所組合而成的實驗設計計畫,找出最佳製程參數組合,具效率及便利性與符合成本、並可達半成品階段生產品質與良率提升需求。


Epoxy材料 Molding設備 De-flash


EMC(Epoxy Molding Compound) is a highly integrated frame type used in molding packaging process which adopts new epoxy material and substrate etching techniques. In the process of formation, since the glue would leak out during the high temperature and pressure bonding process between substrate and epoxy, without historical data to refer to the de-flash process could only depend on the engineer to set various parameter according to frame type and density. Nowadays as the turnover rate of employee becomes high which makes it difficult to pass down experience, also due to product quality deviates in a wide range and the gradually increased demand on precision, the process parameter setting could not rely on engineer’s experience and instinct for a long term operation. Therefore, this research proposed a progressive methodology of orthogonal array focusing on the test design plan combining both de-flash parameter design and error tolerance design in order to find out the optimum process parameter combination which has the advantage of high efficiency, convenience and cost effective as well as achieving the requirement of quality and yield improvement during the semi-finished product period.


epoxy material molding equipment de-flash


[6] 一詮精密工業股份有限公司
[15]余明祥”LED Light Bar應用與靜電防護之研究”昆山科技大學,
