  • 學位論文


Using The Phase Mask Method to Fabricate Long-Period Gratings on D-shaped Optical Fiber

指導教授 : 何智廷


本研究提出D 型光纖的研磨技術,並結合電子束蒸鍍系統(E-Gun)、黃光微影製程(Photolithography)、相位光罩技術(Phase Mask)、銅蝕刻技術,製作出D型光纖長週期光柵濾波元件。 首先利用電子束蒸鍍系統在矽晶圓元件上鍍上一層銅金屬, 再以多模光纖製作成研磨試片後,進行試片單邊研磨(Side-Polished),其精確的研磨拋光直到光纖纖芯為止。下一步進行黃光微影製程與相位光罩技術,來製作長週期光柵濾波元件;利用旋轉塗佈負光阻,將長週期表面光柵曝光於矽基板上,並且利用PDMS材料覆蓋封裝光柵特徵結構。 最後利用氯化鐵溶液將銅金屬表面進行蝕刻,再次利用PDMS材料覆蓋光柵特徵結構。得到元件即為長週期光纖光柵感測元件。研究中完成製作出相位光罩法製作D型光纖光柵濾波元件,再使用拉曼原理配合光柵繞射現象成功運用光學量測機制,在拉應力感測上製作出靈敏度為0.05N感測器。 關鍵詞:光纖、長週期光柵、相位光罩技術


光纖 長週期光柵 相位光罩


In this project, we proposed a method to fabricate a D-shaped optical fiber of Long Period surface grating filter component by D-shaped fiber polishing along with E-Gun、photolithography、Phase Mask technologies and etch Copper process. First , A electron beam is used to evaporate a layer of copper on a silicon wafer, we will do side-polished on multi-mode fiber. The fiber will be precisely stoped polishing until it reaches the core of fiber. Next, we will fabricate the diffraction grating filter component through photolithography process and Phase Mask technologies. It utilizes spinner to spin coating photoresister , and then the Negative photoresist with periodic Long Period surface grating will be fabricated on silicon wafer and then the PDMS material is used to cover the characteristic structure of the package grating. Finally, we used the ferric chloride solution to the etch Copper and obtain a long period fiber grating sensors. By this method, we can fabricate a low loss transmission whole fibered D-shaped optical fiber grating filter , and reuse Raman original management with the grating diffraction phenomenon of the successful use of optical measurement mechanism, the sheets should force a sense of measure produced a sensitivity for 0.05N of the sensor. Keywords: Optical fiber、Long-period Grating、Phase Mask technologies


Optical fiber Long-period Grating Phase Mask


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