  • 學位論文


The Investigation of the Voluntary Air Force Personnel Retention Rate by the AHP

指導教授 : 胡伯潛


在目前國防組織變革的運作下,國軍各軍種都受到裁軍計畫及推動「全募兵制」的衝擊,軍中成員在面對組織精簡、政府年金政策改變等重大變革,或是對未來發展方向的不確定的情況下,所產生的惶恐與不安全感,可能會造成軍中成員工作滿意度的降低、影響其工作績效,也會改變他們的留營態度。 近年來,台海兩岸局勢漸趨穩定,我國政府乃將施政重心放置於國家的經濟發展上,各種軍備的縮減已成為一種趨勢。在一連串有系統的員額精簡後,國軍現員人力不斷減少;在人力不足、工作壓力及工作的不安全感急遽增加的情況下,已出現國軍人員高退伍率,形成「反淘汰」及「斷層」的現象。此種大量人才流失的現象,也造成軍中人員工作經驗與業務傳承斷層的問題。 「人才」乃是組織中最具價值的資產,亦是國軍建軍的根本,考量未來作戰環境數位化及高科技武器裝備陸續加入戰備,極需具有高專業、高素質的長役期人力,但在少子化的衝擊下,國防人力供給日趨困難將對現行兵力結構形成重大挑戰,除招募較為專業與高素質之兵員外,如何使在營服役之基層幹部能繼續留營服役為國所用,乃為重要的研究課題。 由於空軍在台海的防禦上扮演第一線重要的角色,無論是空勤或地勤人員,他們在知識、技術與經驗等的累積與傳承都會對是否能發揮有效的防禦功能帶來重大的影響。因此,本研究運用層級分析法的系統分析架構,建立影響空軍志願役基層軍士官留營傾向之四大主要關鍵因素與十項次要關鍵因素,並決定其重要性的排序。希望藉由本研究所得到的結果,使得國防單位於訂定相關決策時能有所依據,因而改善空軍現有幹部的留營成效,有效留用優質人力,節省訓練成本,並充分發揮其防衛台海的功能。


In recent years, cross-strait situation has stabilized, the Taiwanese government's policy focus is placed on the economic development of the country, and the reduction of armed forces becomes a trend. After a series of systematic downsizing, the number of the military personnel keeps declining. Due to the manpower shortage, work pressure and job insecurity, military personnel discharge rate is growing which causes the anti-selection and generation gap situation. Because the digital and high-tech weapon systems will join the combat environment in the future, high professional and quality personnel is needed to the military. However, under the impact of the declining birthrate, it is very difficult to maintain the supply end of the defense manpower. In addition to recruit more professional and high quality personnel, it is very important to investigate how to retain the current personnel who is in the military service. Because the Air Force plays an important role in the first line of defense on the Taiwan Strait, the knowledge, skills, and experience accumulation and inheritance of the flight crew and ground personnel all bring a significant impact on the effectiveness of the defensive requirements. Therefore, this study studies the four main key factors and ten minor key factors of impacting the retention rate of the Air Force personnel and their priority. Hopefully, the results of this study can be a guidance when the defense department tries to establish related policies and improve the retention rate of the Air Force personnel retention rate so the quality personnel can be retained, the training costs can be saved, and the security of Taiwan Straight can be assured.


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