  • 學位論文


Molding Glass Lens Applied to the Lens Design for 3MPs Camera Phone



現今照相手機越來越輕薄短小,相機系統的長度也被嚴格的要求,而且整體的要求的畫素也要求至300萬畫素以上,塑膠鏡片已經快要不符合現在的設計需求, 而且在影像感測器與相機鏡頭的組裝方面也開始採用Chip On Board (COB)封裝方式以降低成本,此方式須要200℃左右的工作環境中,現在塑膠鏡片的材質耐熱只能達到100餘℃,在需要考慮到成像的品質與機身的輕薄問題,以及封裝工作溫度的要求必須在鏡頭組中加入非球面模造玻璃鏡片的設計。本研究針對三百萬畫素之手機相機鏡頭搭配Omnivision (OV) 300萬畫素 CMOS 影像感測器設計,採用三枚非球面模造玻璃透鏡的光學結構設計,以達到減少透鏡數並縮短相機鏡頭的長度來完成輕薄短小的目的,並且模造玻璃透鏡材質皆能符合封裝工作溫度條件並藉助光學設計軟體CODE V輔助設計,以完成高成像品質的手機鏡頭。




Recently, camera phone is demanded to be lighter, thinner and shorter for use. The length quilt of the camera phone and whole pixels required above 3 million pixels are requested strictly too. In addition, the heat resistant of plastic lens is about 100℃, which is not suitable for Chip On Board (COB) packaging process for image sensor and camera lens fabrication, because the working temperature of COB is about 200℃. Based on the viewpoints mentioned above, plastic lens does not conform to the requirement for camera phone designed gradually at present day. This study focused on the design of 3MPs camera phone combined with the Omnivision (OV) 3MPs CMOS image sensor. In order to achieve the purpose for easy using and carrying, three aspheric molding glass lenses are introduced to reduce the lens quantities and camera length. Furthermore, the optical design software (CODE V) was used to assist with simulating the optimum conditions of molding glass lens applied to the lens designed for 3MPs camera phone to obtain high quality of image formation by changing the materials of glass, shape of lens and son on which affect the properties of image formation.




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