  • 學位論文


A Comparison Study of the Achievement’s Key Factors in Mathematics Learning

指導教授 : 簡德金


台灣在國際數學評比中表現優異,但卻有「數學成就優劣差距大」及「數學學習意願偏低」的隱憂。雖然有許多文獻皆指出數學成就差異的現象,各個關心數學教育的單位,無不投注相當多的心力,研擬諸多解決方案,但是卻鮮少投注焦點於不同學習階段間學習關鍵因素的差異性以及這些關鍵因素的執行策略,作為教師教學時的參考,故引發出本研究的動機。 本研究以國小階段為例,用專家學者的文獻佐證為基礎。彙整出影響學生數學學習成就之關鍵因素。並透過質性訪談研究(KJ法、焦點團體訪談與德爾菲法)進行架構及各類別之合理與適切性檢測,完成影響學生數學學習成就關鍵因素架構終案。最後再藉由德爾菲法,建立影響學生數學學習成就各學習構面關鍵因素之「提升策略圖」。 藉此,以協助國小數學教師在執行數學教學活動時,掌握應有的作為與決策方向,進而提升學生數學學習成就的效益度、並減少無謂的學習資源浪費。


Taiwan's performance in international mathematics competitions has been outstanding. But there is a large achievement gap in mathematics, and there are worries in students’ low desire to learn this object. Although there has been a great deal of literature indicating the differences in mathematics achievement and proposing many solutions, little has focused on the differences and the implementation policies of the key learning factors among varied mathematics learning stages. Those two points arising from the key learning factors are aimed to act as a reference for the mathematics teaching. Therefore, the insufficiency of existing literature motivates the research. Based on scholars’ previous literature, the study centers on elementary school students to bring forth the key factors of mathematics learning achievement. Next, this study combines qualitative interviews methods (KJ method, Focus Group Interviews and the Delphi method) to establish a framework for the key factors that influence students’ mathematics learning achievement. Finally, this study uses the Delphi method with multiple criteria decision to build the “practices execution strategy map” of key factors. In this way, this study points a policy direction for teachers in elementary schools to perform math teaching activities. Moreover, it enhances the effectiveness of students’ mathematic learning achievement, and reduces the unnecessary waste of learning resources.


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