  • 學位論文


Study of decision-making modes for the optimization of manpower assignment in science-tech based facility maintenance

指導教授 : 顏上堯


目前廠房興建移交後的修繕施工規劃上,修繕之『時間』控制經常成為廠房營運管理的第一要務。如何運用現有人力資源,以最有效率的方式指派工作並於如質如期完成,實為修繕專案決策者之重要課題。觀諸國內各公司之決策者在執行修繕人力指派時多憑經驗以人工方式指派,此方式在單一修繕作業或許可勝任,但在修繕作業相當繁雜及須具備相關配合營運等種種限制下,如何能不浪費人力資源符合廠房營運之需求,實為當下決策者所面對的一大課題。 本研究針對小型修繕專案之工作指派問題,依各修繕工作量需求進行指派的觀念,建構二組整數規劃模式,以幫助決策者指派人員進行修繕工作。在求解方法上,利用數學規劃軟體LINGO 7.0,求解模式。 最後本研究以一獨立科技廠房之修繕工程為範例,進行模式最佳化測試,同時比較本研究模式與人工經驗指派方式之績效差異,結果顯示本研究模式成效良好,值得為實務界參考。


Among all the concerns given to facility maintenance programming after construction completion and handover, the control over maintenance timeframe often becomes top priority for facility operation management. It is indeed an important task for maintenance programming decision makers to know how to utilize human resources currently available and assign jobs in the most efficient and effective way in order for jobs to be done in quality and as scheduled. The current practices of maintenance manpower programming, as observed among decision makers of businesses at home or abroad, are mostly manual, with the jobs assigned primarily based on personal experiences. Such an approach may suffice when there is only one single operation to be done, but these days when the operations are complex that need to work around various constraints while requiring other collaborative operations, it would impose greater challenge for decision makers knowing how not to waste human resource while meeting the requirements of facility operation. By focusing on problems pertinent to the job assignment of a small-scaled maintenance programming, this study builds two sets of integer programming modes based on the concepts of job assigning by workload as required by each maintenance operation, with a view to assisting decision makers with their maintenance job assigning. As to the approach for problem solving, the mathematic programming of LINGO 7.0 is adapted for the solution. Finally, this study runs a test on the optimization of the programming modes, by an example of an independent maintenance operation of a science-tech facility, while comparing the difference of performance between the assignment modes applied by this study and those of manual practice. The test results show the modes introduced by this study to be of significant effects, indicating that they are worthy to be applied as reference in the decision making of actual practice.


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4. 李兆元,「計劃人力配置最佳化模式分析研究」,元智大學


