  • 學位論文


A Study of Competitiveness for Transferred Container Throughputs of Kaohsiung Harbor in Asia

指導教授 : 陳惠國




Kaohsiung Harbor is the most important international port in Taiwan. It had natural advantage of geographical conditions and climatic conditions. It conducted excess 6,990,000 TUE in 1999. Kaohsiung Harbor was the third largest container transport in the world, only inferior to Hong Kong, Singapore. Because of the rapid economic development in China has led to increasing freight transport, as well as fierce competition among the harbors in the region, such as Hong Kong, Busan, Kaohsiung Harbor, and new harbors in Shenzhen and Shanghai. The transports not only support the rapid development of harbors in the region but also result in intense port competition. Due to export container throughputs had being substitute for transferred container throughputs to become the main benefits of Kaohsiung Harbor recently. Kaohsiung Harbor faced internal and external competitive stress because global planning and management affairs were getting in vogue and neighboring countries invested in harbor facilities competitively. By far recently years, Kaohsiung Harbor was in very competitive circumstance and had to adopt seriously some tactic to promote its competition. In order to find out efficiency of container freight operation to Kaohsiung Harbor and point for attention and improvement in driving this strategy, following status are found out by this research with collection and discussion on reference sub-data and SWOT Analysis of Kaohsiung Harbor’s competition plus statistical analysis of survey. Finally utilize the Analytic Network Process to select the important criteria under each aspect and estimate the weight of each aspect and criterion, and find the best transport business goal and the competition statistical plans of Kaohsiung Harbor.


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