  • 學位論文


An Optimization Model For Park Maintenance Manpower Assignment

指導教授 : 顏上堯


公園綠地的質與量為衡量國家進步的重要指標,隨著近年來經濟的發展、忙碌的生活腳步下,民眾對於生活環境品質的要求不斷提升,都市公園早已成為市民最重要的活動空間之一,因此公園維護為公部門維持都市生態與提供人民休閒遊憩的重要施政政策。目前公園維護作業方式多藉由人工經驗主導調派,缺乏以系統化、科學化之數據分析與評估,往往造成維護人力的浪費或無法確實達到維護品質,另有關公園維護人力指派作業最佳化之研究論述卻寥寥可數,實有深入研究之必要。 針對上述問題,本研究針對公園維護人力指派問題,考量各維護項目人力需求之相關限制與參數,利用數學規劃技巧,發展一套數學整數規劃模式,配合LINGO 7.0套裝軟體撰寫電腦程式,求解出最小公園維護人力成本與人力之指派,以供決策者有效地運用人力資源,並可提供公部門有效編列公園維護的預算。為展示模式之應用並初步測試模式之績效,本研究以一獨立公園維護專案為例,進行範例測試,結果顯示本研究模式較人工經驗指派方法成本顯著減少,故本模式應可為學術界與實務界之參考。


By the continuous development of economy in recent years and under the busy pace of life, the public more and more emphasizes on the quality of living environment. In particular, parks in cities have become one of the most important activity spaces for citizens. As a result, park maintenance is an essential administrative policy of the government to preserve the urban ecology and provide leisure and relaxation to people. Currently the manpower planning in respect of park maintenance is mostly arranged based on personal experiences, which lacks of systematic and scientific analysis and assessment and just results in the waste of human resources without achieving appropriate quality. However, there were not many relevant researches in the past regarding the optimization of manpower assignment for park maintenance. Therefore it is necessary to discuss how to effectively assign manpower to undertake park maintenance. Probing into the manpower assignment of park maintenance, this research targets on minimum human resource cost and considers relevant limits in respect of manpower demand of each maintenance item in order to develop an integer programming model. By utilizing LINGO 7.0 software to compile a computer program, the minimum human resource cost and manpower assignment of park maintenance can be derived for policymakers to make effective use of labor force and for the government to arrange the budget. In order to demonstrate the application of this model as well as to initially examine its performance, this research took a project of park maintenance as a sample to execute the test. The result reveals that this research model functions excellently and therefore can be the reference for both academic and practical fields.


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