  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee's job performance ─ employee's job anxiety as a moderator

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


綜觀現代之職場工作者,其工作壓力劇增,已成為現代社會之職場通病,不僅台灣如此,全世界亦有此現象。郭慧玲(2010)指出,工作壓力是引起工作焦慮之重要相關因素之一,當員工個體在工作情境下所感受到之各種壓力並沒辦法獲得有效紓解時,即會產生強烈之焦慮感受,而此即為工作焦慮。 近年來,過去之學者針對主管教練行為之研究並不多,大多為探討管理教練技能與其他變項之關聯性。另一方面,主管教練行為是否可以正向影響工作績效,以及低工作焦慮是否可以強化主管教練行為對工作績效之影響性,此議題在國內目前尚未有學者探討。本研究即以Ellinger, Ellinger, & Keller(2003)之主管教練行為構面,來探討於企業內所工作之員工,其認知到之主管教練行為是否會對員工之工作績效有關連性,以及當員工之工作焦慮愈低時,是否會愈強化員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之 工作績效之關聯性。此外,本研究以知覺主管支持理論來貫穿整個研究架構。 本研究以高科技產業就業之人力為研究對象,施測對象限於在工作上有指導關係主管之工作者。此外,本研究採取便利抽樣,其調查對象不分管理職或專業職,唯有要求填答者必須要有直屬主管,無直屬主管者,例如自營企業者、自由工作者等,皆不在本研究之施測範圍內。本問卷一律採用紙本之方式來進行發放,無電子線上問卷之填答方式,施測時間為2014年4月底至五月中旬之間,該問卷總計發放紙本問卷400份,回收336份,回收率為84%;而有效問卷為308份,其有效回收率為77%。之後,本研究運用統計套裝軟體SPSS 21.0來進行研究資料分析,其研究主要結果如下所示: 1-1. 員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之工作績效有正相關。 1-2. 員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之任務績效有正相關。 1-3. 員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之脈絡績效有正相關。 2-1. 員工之工作焦慮程度對員工之工作績效表現有負相關。 2-2. 員工之工作焦慮程度對員工之任務績效表現沒有相關。 2-3. 員工之工作焦慮程度對員工之脈絡績效表現有負相關。 3-1. 員工之工作焦慮低會強化員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之工作績效之關聯性。 3-2. 員工之工作焦慮低會強化員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之任務績效之關聯性。 3-3. 員工之工作焦慮低會強化員工所認知到之主管教練行為對員工之脈絡績效之關聯性。 本研究根據其結果,建議企業必須針對主管進行教練行為之培育,以及降低員工之工作焦慮,基於此,其目的皆為提升員工之工作績效。此外,本研究針對後續研究建議為加入特質焦慮變項來進行研究、以更嚴謹之抽樣方式來進行抽樣,以及探討其他可能因素對工作績效之影響,並深入研究之。 關鍵字:主管教練行為、工作績效、工作焦慮


Abstract In recent year, the employee’s job stress has increased very much, and the employee’s job stress has a strong relationship with the employee’s job anxiety. On the other hand, there are not enough studies on supervisory coaching behavior, now. In the past, there were so much studies on managerial coaching skill, including job performance, employee affective commitment…etc. However, no one focus on the studies of the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s job performance. Based on these previous studies and description above, this thesis attempts to investigate how supervisory coaching behavior influences on employee’s job performance, and whether the low employee’s job anxiety can intensify the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s job performance or not. With a convenience sampling method, this thesis conducts survey the high-technology workers who have their immediate superiors. This study with the supervisory coaching behavior scale by Ellinger (2003), the employee’s job performance scale by Yu, Ter-Cheng (1996),including task performance and contextual performance. And, the employee’s job anxiety scale from the state anxiety (S-anxiety) scale established within Spielberger’s (1985) state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI). The case size amounts to 400, 308 of which are valid cases, processed with the software SPSS 21.0. The results of this thesis are as follow : 1. There exists a positive correlation between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s job performance. 2. There exists a positive correlation between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s task performance. 3. There exists a positive correlation between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s contextual performance. 4. There exists a negative correlation between employee’s job anxiety and employee’s job performance. 5. There exists no correlation between employee’s job anxiety and employee’s task performance. 6. There exists a negative correlation between employee’s job anxiety and employee’s contextual performance. 7. The low employee’s job anxiety can intensify the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s job performance. 8. The low employee’s job anxiety can intensify the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s task performance. 9. The low employee’s job anxiety can intensify the relationship between supervisory coaching behavior and employee’s contextual performance. This study provides some suggestions and recommendations. We suggest that the enterprises should establish supervisory coaching behavior in the organization to provide coaching function to superior, and then help their employees to lower their job anxiety. Researchers may investigate the relationships among Big Five, leading behavior, enterprise culture, and job performance. Also, they can use trait anxiety inventory to conduct next research in the future, finding the moderating effect on the trait anxiety. Key word: supervisory coaching behavior, employee’s job performance, employee’s job anxiety


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