  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張瑞宏


隨著現今交通量的大幅提升,鋼床鈑鋪面在交通中扮演一個重要的角 色,而其受反覆載重下之力學行為又與平面道路鋪面有所差異,因此本研究 以有限元素法作為力學基礎,配合有限元素分析軟體 ABAQUS 進行計算, 針對鋼床鈑鋪面在不同的車輪軸型、載重位置及鋪面材料配置等情形下,觀 察鋼床鈑鋪面受載後之力學行為。最後,本研究針對不同破壞參數之影響進 行觀察,以其能更了解影響鋼床鈑鋪面破壞之因素。 由分析結果顯示,(1)在鋼床鈑鋪面問題中,雙軸雙輪載重之前後軸無 互制行為,因此可僅考慮單軸雙輪進行分析即可。(2)當載重下方無肋梁支 撐時,鋪面容易產生較大之最大主張應變(MPE-T)數值。(3)當胎印中心越靠 近支撐時,鋪面層之垂直壓應變值(E33-C)會隨之提升;尤其當胎印中心下 方為橫梁支撐時,會產生較大之 E33-C 值。(4)本研究認為上層勁度小、下 層勁度大為鋼床鈑鋪面最佳配置原則。其不僅利於後續之修繕,更能降低鋪 面層之 MPE-T 數值。(5) 增加鋪面層厚度及鋼床鈑厚度能有效降低 MPE-T 值;而 E33-C 方面則是較不顯著。(6) 當胎壓及軸重增加時,會同時造成鋪 面之 MPE-T 及 E33-C 數值上升。(7) 改變橫梁間距對於鋪面之 MPE-T 及 E33-C 數值影響皆不大。 關鍵字:鋼床鈑鋪面、有限元素法、疲勞破壞、車轍破壞


As the traffic load increases tremendously nowadays, the pavement steel deck has played an important role. Its repetitive loading of the mechanical behavior is different from the general road pavement. Therefore, this research aims to investigate with finite element as its mechanical basis, along with the finite element analytic software “ABAQUS” as the computing device. The research observes the mechanical behavior of the steel deck after loading under different circumstances such as the steel deck’s loading type, loading position, and pavement materials. Last, the paper investigates and observes different failure parameters in order to further understand the failure factors of the steel deck. The conclusion of the analysis indicates, (1) the loading of tandem axles with dual tires can be simplified as the single axle with dual tires and analyzed with superposition. (2) The pavement would produce larger MPE-T easily when the lower part of the loading is without rib. (3) The E33-C would increase, as the center of the tire print gets closer to the support, it would produce even larger E33-C if the support of the tire print center were formed with floor beam. (4) The study indicates that the best allocation of steel deck’s stiffness should be small on the upper layer, and large on the bottom. This is not only good for the follow-up repair, but also could lower MPE-T. (5) Increase the thickness of the pavement and steel deck can lower MPE-T effectively. However, the change of E33-C is not so effective. (6) When the axle load and tire pressure increase, MPE-T and E33-C would also increase. (7) The change of distance of the floor beam does not influence MPE-T and E33-C effectively.




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