  • 學位論文


Site Selection of the Motorcycle Recycling Plant

指導教授 : 謝浩明


近年來由於環保及資源回收再利用議題逐漸受到注重,廢棄機車回收產業也逐漸興起。然而,廢棄機車皆為非固定時間、非固定位址及非固定產生量,故對於廢棄機車回收業如何選擇最佳位址設廠以進行回收廢機車服務,面臨極大問題。且油價近年來不斷上漲,對於回收業者而言,其運輸成本費用已占總營運成本近 18%,無法以傳統觀念之土地租金成本為選址主要考量因素(占總營運成本近 9%),故期望能發展一廢棄機車回收廠區位選址模式,可望協助廢棄機車回收業者降低營運成本外,更能提昇回收廠服務績效與品質。 另外,本研究以中壢市鄉鎮道路、鄰里中心及鄰近八個鄉鎮市中心做為實際路網。利用PaPaGo-GPS內建預設值找出最佳路徑,再透過時空網路流動技巧規劃各候選廢棄機車輛回收廠排程作業,並以C++電腦語言配合CPLEX數學規劃軟體求解。為了驗證模式在實務求解可行性,本研究以桃園縣中壢市19個候選位址為例進行規劃求解,找出最佳廢棄機車回收廠位址。


The environmental protection and resources recycling issues has been gradually concerned in recent years, so the industry of the revocation motorcycle recycling is more popular at this moment. However, it is uncertain to know what the occurrence of revocation vehicles time, location, and amount. In my opinion, it will be a big problem for recycling employers to select the best operating site. With the oil prices arising in this few years, the transportation costs has been reached nearly eighteen percent of total operation costs. The traditional concept of land cost is not the main factor so that we develop a site selection model for employers to reduce the operating costs, to improve the service performance and enhance the quality of the recycling center. In addition, we build an actual framework based on the Chung-Li street, road and the town center. We used the PaPaGo-GPS to search the best route, and scheduled the recycling plant model through the time-space network .We also use both the C++ computer language and CPLEX to solve the problem. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the model, we perform a case by using real data of Chung-Li City to find a best site of recycling plant.


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