  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


近年來,隨著全球總體環境之變化,全球半導體產業逐漸將發展重心轉移至中國大陸,同時亦促進中國大陸本地之製造商之崛起,台灣半導體通路商不僅面臨競爭愈來愈劇烈之產業環境,更必須適應產業結構之快速改變。因此,台灣半導體零組件通路商如何運用既有之核心競爭力,採行最適當之經營模式,不被瞬息萬變之外在環境所淘汰,將是決定其未來發展成敗與否之關鍵。 本研究之目的,主要探討半導體通路商產業在中國的經營環境與發展趨勢,以及分析個案公司為了因應產業環境變遷所帶來的挑戰所採取之經營模式,包括:一次購足、準時交貨、庫存管理、市場開發、完整解決方案等方面,進而歸納出個案公司之關鍵成功因素,以提供給同業擬訂策略之參考。 本研究採用個案分析法,透過蒐集與彙整相關文獻資料及官方所公布之次級資料進行初步分析,並進一步針對個案公司之高階經營管理者進行深入訪談。根據研究結果本研究獲得三項結論。首先,個案公司為因應半導體產業重心轉移之發展趨勢,率先進入中國市場,掌握在中國大陸發展的先機,確保個案公司在該產業之地位,以獲取競爭優勢。再者,個案公司所使用之經營模式,採取多樣化之服務,不僅扮演通路商之角色,亦提供協同研發、諮詢、保固等服務,藉此鞏固個案公司與上下游之關係。最後,個案公司藉由找出關鍵成功因素,創造出其獨特的競爭優勢,以持續地穩定發展,不被競爭愈來愈激烈之產業環境所淘汰,進而邁向永續經營之目標。


In recent years, following the changing face of the market worldwide, semiconductor manufacturers are increasingly shifting the center of their development to Mainland China. This has simultaneously spurred the development of domestic Chinese semiconductor firms, meaning that Taiwanese firms in the same field face increasingly fierce competition, which in turn forces them to rapidly adapt to changing market structures. Thus, how Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturers can utilize their core competitiveness, adopt the most suitable operating measures, to avoid being rendered obsolete in this constant and rapidly changing market is key to deciding if their future development is successful or not. The main purpose of this study is to consider the operating environment and development trends of semiconductor manufacturers in Mainland China, and to analyze the operating models that the case firms have adopted to deal with the challenges brought on by changing trends in the business environment including one time purchase, just-in-time delivery, stock management, market development, integrated problem solving, etc, along with a summary of what factors have influenced the case firms’ successes, providing industry members with reference data for planning. The case analysis method is used in this study. We first conduct a preliminary analysis using information gathered from related data and official secondary records, and then engage in detailed discussion with upper management representatives from the case firms. Based on the results of our research we arrive at three conclusions. First, in order to cope with the semiconductor market’s central focus shifting to Mainland China, the case firms took the lead in breaking into the Chinese market, gaining a great competitive advantage by seizing initiative in developing their firms in Mainland China and thus ensuring their position in this market. Next, the case firms adopted a multifaceted operating strategy, not just acting as suppliers but also assisting others with R&D, advice, insurance and other services, cementing the case firms relationship with other firms and clients, both up and downstream. Last, the case firms successfully identified the strengths that led them to be successful, and were able to utilize them to continuously maintain steady development, keeping them relevant even in the constantly changing and fiercely competitive market


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