  • 學位論文


Comparison On Taiwan's Foreign Policy Under Chen Shui-Bian And Ma Ying-Jeou's tenure: A Contructivist IR-Theory's Perspective

指導教授 : 陳亮智


本論文探討陳水扁政府與馬英九政府的外交政策之異同。陳水扁政府與馬英九政府在外交政策上有極大的差異,然而這樣的差異無法完全從國際因素來解釋。本文認為兩任政府外交政策上的差異主要自於領導人理念或觀念(在本文中觀念與理念同指idea)的不同。國際體系並未在台灣政黨輪替之時發生系統性的改變,美、中之對台政策亦然;因此可以知道,兩任政府面臨相似的國際制約因素,卻有著極為不同的外交政策,這主要是因為領導人理念的不同。 本文以建構主義學者Alexander E. Wendt之對「結構─行為者」問題的處理,來說明台灣外交政策的改變來自於領導人的理念是可能的。小國的外交政策未必是完全受制約的。Wendt主要引用社會學者Roy Bhaska的結構化理論來處理「結構─行為者」問題,論述結構與行為者的關係。然本文是以Wendt之處理來說明行動是可能由行為者自發地改變,未必受結構完全制約,並不探討結構─行為者的關係。 在兩任政府理念的比較上,本文是以Andrew D. Marble改良自Judith Goldstein與Robert O. Keohane政策偏好的觀念類型學(idea typology),將觀念或理念分為三種類型:原則信念(principled beliefs)、因果信念(beliefs about cause effect relationship)與排序原則(ordering principles)。 最後,本文研究發現,兩任政府在因果信念的差異最大。對陳水扁前總統而言,他認為台灣需要積極爭取權利並走入國際,才能擺脫中國施加的外交困境;對馬英九總統而言,他認為先穩定兩岸關係,台灣的外交困境才不至於進一步惡化,並且台灣的國際空間尚賴與中國協商。本文研究也顯示,兩任政府雖採取極為不同的外交策略,但皆未讓台灣完全喪失主權或瀕臨戰爭。在許多有主權爭議國家之間,爆發武裝衝突是常有的事,而兩岸之間除維持和平外,尚有大量的經濟、文化、人民之交流,顯示兩任政府之外交策略亦有可供借鑑參考之處。


This thesis compares taiwan's foreign policy under Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou's tenure. There are huge difference between Chen and Ma's foreign policy, espeically the policy of participating United Nations. Amid the change of taiwan's foreign policy, there is no systematic transformation in internaitonal structure. So do China and United States' Taiwan policy. The internaitonal contraints which Chen and Ma faced was not as different as their idea. They had very different reaction towards merely same international constraints. which I propose that the two leader's different idea is the primary factor which lead to their their different participating policy. In this thesis, I cite Alexander E. Wendt's approach over the issue of agent-structure to explicate leaders' idea can be a cardinal factor that cause the shifting of policy. However, I do not pretend to resolve the issue of agent-structure nither explore the relation bewteen agent and structure. The main focus of this thesis is the case study on Taiwna's foreign policy. While comparing the two adiministration's idea, I cite Andrew D. Marble's idea typology which was modified from Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane's idea typology to sort ideas into three categories: 1. Principled beliefs; 2. Beliefs about cuase effect relaitonship; 3. Odering principles. To sum up, the biggest difference between Chen and Ma is their beliefs about cause effect relationship. Chen believes that only if taiwan actively pursue its rights as a citizen in internaitonal society can taiwan get rid of the diplomatic isolation imposed by China. To the opposite, Ma make it the first priority to stablize the relation with China. He beleves that if there is no renovation of relaitnship with China, there will be no chance of preventing Taiwan from isolation and widening international space. Though Chen and Ma made quite different policy choice, both of them did not place Taiwan in the worst scenarios of losing sovereignty or risk of war, for which conflict has been common between states over disputes of sovereighty. In addition, it appears that not only there has been no armed conlifct in the cross-strait for decades, but also the intensities of economic, cultural exchange and interaction of people in cross-strait has been strenthened these years. The evidence show that we may draw lessons from the two leader's different strategies, for both did not draw Taiwan into the worst scenarios.




