  • 學位論文


An Action Research for “Note-taking Strategy’’ Teaching Program In A Sixth-graders’ Mandarin Class

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究採行動研究,旨在探討國民小學做筆記策略教學對提升六年級學童語文能力之可行性,經過教學實驗後,透過學生的筆記內容、定期考查及標準化測驗的分析,發現本研究對於提升六年級學童語文能力有正面效果。主要研究問題如下: (一)從情境分析探究小六國語教學問題之歷程與省思為何? (二)研擬小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案之歷程與省思為何? (三)實施小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案之歷程與省思為何? (四)評鑑小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案之歷程與省思為何? 本研究之研究結果如下: 一、從情境分析探究小六國語教學之問題歷程與省思中發現:閱讀能力是重要能力,其核心在思考,影響著學習力,而識字能力與閱讀理解能力是關鍵;國語課本是閱讀指導的便利書;情境分析是讓研究者了解行動方案優劣,規劃發展的基石。 二、從研擬小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案歷程與省思中發現:本研究以提升閱讀能力為重要教學目標,採直接教學結構化設計,做筆記策略教學融入國語改變學生學習模式,發展有自我風格的讀書技巧。 三、從實施小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案歷程與省思中發現:做筆記策略具備一套具體好操作的教學流程,改變學生讀書方法,讓學生學習態度朝正向發展,但由聆聽轉化為文字書寫的過程不可操之過急,應以學生為學習的主角,但學校活動過多是助力也是阻力,教師需持續精進專業能力,發展課程。 四、從評鑑小六國語做筆記策略教學行動方案歷程與省思中發現:學生的學習成效良好,教師的教學專業獲得成長,進行課程的創新,除了改變教學,評量學習方式也需配合教學進行調整。 本研究根據上述結果,對未來的教學及研究方向提出建議,以作為教師教學應用及學者未來研究之參考。


Action approach is applied to this research in order to understand the feasibility of increasing sixth-graders’ linguistic ability in a “note-taking strategy “teaching program. After analyzing student’s notes, periodical evaluation, and standardized tests, there is positive relation between linguistic ability and “note-taking strategy “teaching program. Major research questions are the following: 1. What are reflections and problems of teaching in a sixth-graders’ Mandarin class by using a scenario analysis? 2. What are reflections and process of teaching note-taking strategy in a sixth-graders’ Mandarin class? 3. What are reflections and a process of implementing “note-taking strategy” teaching program in a sixth-graders’ Mandarin class? 4. What are reflections and a process of evaluating “note-taking strategy ”teaching program in a sixth-graders’ Mandarin class? Results of this study are the following: 1. Reflections and problems of teaching in sixth-graders’ Mandarin classes by using a scenario analysis are the following: Reading ability is an important ability whose core value is thinking. Reading ability influences learning ability, and abilities of literacy and comprehension are keys to it. Textbooks in mandarin classes are easy tools; scenario analysis helps researchers to understand the pros and cons of this research, and is the base of a development of the action study. 2. Reflections and a process of teaching note-taking strategy in sixth-graders’ Mandarin classes are the following: In this research, the goal of teaching is to improve students’ reading ability; direct and structured teaching style was adopted in the “note-taking strategy” teaching program in which students change their learning style and develop personalized reading skills 3. Reflections and a process of implementing “note-taking strategy” teaching program in sixth-graders’ Mandarin classes are the following: Note-taking strategy has an easy-operating teaching process, changes students’ approaches of the study, and helps students develop learning attitude positively. However, it should be enough time for students to put what they hear into words. Furthermore, students should be a major character of learning. It was found that too many after-school activities can be a power of push and pull to students at the same time; teachers should improve their teaching skills in order to develop classes constantly. 4. Reflections and a process of evaluating “note-taking strategy “teaching program in sixth-graders’ Mandarin classes are the following: If results of students’ learning are positive, teachers’ specialty will develop. The way to reach a creativity of classes is not only to make a change of the reaching style but also to make an adjustment of the evaluation. According to the results of this study, recommendations are made for the future of teaching and direction of research.


王瓊珠、洪儷瑜、張郁雯、陳秀芬(2008)。一到九年級學生國字識字量發展。教育心理學報,民97,39卷,4 期,555-568頁。
