  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Research of Impulsive Buying Behavior in Romantic Relationship

指導教授 : 曾光華


衝動性購買占了我們消費生活中很重要的一部分,近年來開始重視社會因子對衝動性購買的影響。衝動性購買是由購買衝動的產生後,經過一系列過程而做出的決策結果,既然購買衝動是一個立即想要擁有該產品的慾望,那為什麼會在他人的影響下卻步?而又為什麼有些消費者不會受到他人影響,執意進行衝動性購買?   此外,逛街購物在情侶的關係維繫中屬於重要的一部分,過去對於以情侶為對象的衝動性購買研究甚少,故本研究以情侶為對象,探討其衝動性購買行為,聚焦於在一方(消費者)產生購買衝動後,若與另一方(伴侶)在意見、態度或決策上產生衝突,其之間的互動與決策的行為特色。   本研究採用半結構式訪談,透過文獻探討與立意抽樣選取交往一年以上之大學生或研究生情侶,且擁有衝動性購買衝突的經驗,以情侶共同訪談(1對2)和情侶個別訪談(1對1)兩階段進行,共訪談11組情侶。   本研究以伴侶的影響行為、消費者的反抗策略與衝動性購買衝突的決策為主要分析架構,研究結果為伴侶的影響行為可分為訊息性影響與規範性影響,前者為給予負面評價與推薦其他產品;後者為給予規範性意見、讓消費者感受到壓力、使消費者顧及形象與引發情侶關係間的角色認同。消費者的反抗策略可分為積極與消極兩類,前者包括對伴侶意見表達不認同、極力尋求伴侶認同、試用產品提高購買正確性與釐清伴侶意見與態度;後者包含延後決策時間、預設伴侶立場及忽略伴侶影響。最後本研究以伴侶關鍵影響行為與消費者最終決策結果,將衝動性購買衝突決策分為四大類型,分別為言聽計從型、各自為政型、以和為貴型與我行我素型,並依據此四種類型分析其伴侶、消費者與決策的行為特色。   基於本研究結果,給予實務上對於銷售策略、購買環境、產品利益與推廣訴求的建議;並以研究結果推論命題,補足本研究限制,給予後續研究建議。


Impulse buying is an important part of our consuming life. The influence of social factors on impulse buying has been emphasized in the recent years. It is the decision made through a series of processes after generating an impulse. Now that the impulse is a desire that possess the product immediately, why do we give up buying after influenced by others? Furthermore, why do some consumers insist on buying?   In addition, shopping is a significant component for the maintenance of lovers’ relationship. In the past, there were fewer studies set the sample as lovers. Therefore, this study took lovers as the object to explore impulse buying; moreover, it focused on the interaction of lovers and the characteristic of the decision when they were in a conflict situation of impulse buying.   Through the literary reviews and purposive sampling, the study chose lovers who had had one year relationship at least, had been students in university or graduate school, and had experienced the conflict of impulse buying. The study used semi -structured interview to interview 11 pairs of lovers and carried out by 2 steps.   The structure of this study is the partner’s influence, the consumer’s resistance and the decision in the conflict situation of impulse buying. The partner’s influences are informational influence and normative influence. The consumer’s resistance can be differentiated from positive and negative. Finally, this study divides the impulse buying into four types to analyze the characteristic of their behavior and decision.   Based on the results, this study gives advice of the sale strategy, the buying environment, the product benefit, the promotion appeal, and follow-up studies.


1、Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977). Attitude-behavior relations: A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888-918.


