  • 學位論文


The impact of electronic hand-off system on effective communication and individual benefits during nursing shift exchange

指導教授 : 張怡秋


以「病人安全為中心」的醫療照護是目前醫療管理主流,根據國際評鑑組織Joint Commission International (JCI)統計,醫療不良事件常發生於醫護團隊間訊息傳遞缺失。交班作業對護理人員而言是臨床照護的重要部分,過程中傳達病人的現況以利於持續性照護,交班訊息若不正確、不完整,將導致錯誤的照護方向,造成病人安全問題,因此,交班關係著病人安全和照護品質。 根據文獻指出,有效溝通是指訊息能被即時地、正確地、完整地、明確地、明白地接收到,而衛生福利部103年公告,針對103~104年度病人安全工作目標,目標六為「提升醫療照護人員間的有效溝通」。加上資訊系統應用於醫療產業界之範圍也相當廣泛,因此,醫院如何導入資訊系統使醫護人員間達成有效溝通,是目前醫療院所管理者關注的議題。本研究以資訊系統成功模式為基礎,發展七個主要構面及一個調節變數的研究模型,發展結構式研究問卷,研究對象為中部某兩家區域醫院,分別以使用普通電子交班系統之醫院為對照組;以使用ISBAR電子交班系統之醫院為實驗組,探討該兩組醫院之護理人員是否能透過電子交班系統所提供之交班訊息,協助其交班達成有效溝通,進而達成個人效益。 研究結果指出,實驗組與對照組之系統品質皆顯著的正向影響資訊品質;在實驗組中,系統品質、資訊品質、團隊因素、領導皆顯著正向影響有效溝通,個人認知及表達能力不顯著正向影響有效溝通,在對照組中,只有個人認知及表達能力顯著正向影響有效溝通,其餘皆不顯著的正向影響有效溝通;實驗組與對照組之系統品質、資訊品質皆無顯著的正向影響個人效益、有效溝通顯著正向影響個人效益。 綜合本研究結果,要提升醫療照護人員間的有效溝通,除了需要ISBAR溝通工具設計至其電子交班系統中以加強其系統品質與資訊品質之外,照護團隊間亦要合作無間,護理長亦要運用其本身的領導能力,帶領照護團隊進行交班,期待護理人員能透過本研究之結果,察覺交班的重要內涵,醫療院所之管理者也可改善影響有效溝通的因素,並將其運用,並提升照護品質及病人安全。


Patient-centered medical care is the mainstream in medical management. According to a report of JCI, medical adverse events often occur in a healthcare team because of missing message during handoff. Nursing shift reports (NSRs) are crucial to the maintenance of patient safety and continuity of care. If the handoff is neither accurate nor complete, it may delay the patient’s further care due to incompleteness. Relevant literature note that effective communication are timely, accurate, complete, unambiguous, and understood by the recipient. The Minister of health and welfare published 2013-2014 Hospital Patient Safety Goals and Strategies, Goal 6 “Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers”. Furthermore, information systems (IS) are well applied in healthcare industry. Thus, the IS are implemented in hospital to help the communication become effective are major concerns of hospital managers. The study concluded that both of experimental and control groups, System Quality significantly positive effect Information Quality. In experimental group, System Quality, Information Quality, Teamwork, Leadership significantly positive effect Effect Communication. In control group, only personal capability significantly positive effect Effect Communication. And both of experimental and control groups, System Quality and Information Quality are not significantly positive effect Individual Benefit. Only Effect Communication significantly positive effect Individual Benefit. Comprehensive results of this study, to enhance effective communication among nursing shift, in addition to ISBAR communication tools designed to electronic hand-off systems to enhance the quality and information outside its system. Care team also have to work closely together longer by using its own leadership. Nurses can look through the results of this study, perceived important connotation shift, the medical institutions of the managers also can improve factors that influence effective communication in order to enhance quality of care and patient safety.


佘建成、張博論(民96年3月)。RFID 暨 PDA 臨床路徑患者照護及護理交班輔助系統之開發。醫療資訊雜誌,16(1),33-46。


陳怡敏(2016)。建置電子病歷管理系統- 以某區域教學醫院為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614063557
