  • 學位論文


The exploration of China and Japan's foreign energy security strategy

指導教授 : 趙文志


目前,中國與日本均為石油淨進口國家,且中國的石油供需缺口逐年擴大;日本的能源消費比重中,石油仍居於之首位,因此對中日兩國而言,如何確保其石油供應安全則顯得相當重要。然而,中國的石油供需缺口在其經濟的迅速發展下日益劇增,加上在東亞區域有著以美國和日本為首的戰略同盟體系,使中國認為其石油供應安全上存在著脆弱性,並威脅著其國家安全。另一方面,中國對石油需求的逐年擴大,反映著其經濟實力甚至國家總體實力的上升,對於同處東亞區域結構的日本而言,中國的國家實力上升則勢必會威脅到日本的東亞區域大國地位,甚至中國若邁向霸權則是日本不願樂見的,因為不會有國家希望比自己強大的國家來主宰自己的未來,甚至威脅到自身的生存安全。 本文基於結構現實主義的角度,認為中國的崛起勢必會造成東亞權力結構的變化,使日本身為該區域大國須對此做出回應。另一方面,中國在東亞地區面對美國與日本同盟關係,加上其石油供應來源大多倚賴海上航道運輸,一旦以美國和日本為首的聯盟將航道進行封鎖,將對中國造成巨大的衝擊,致使中國須對此一可能情形有所作為。


Nowadays, both of China and Japan are net importer of oil. How to ensure security in oil supply is important for China and Japan, because petroleum supply-and-demand gap has been expending over the years, and oil still occupied high rate in energy consumption of Japan. However, there is the vulnerability in Chinese energy supply as the petroleum supply and demand get more and more increasing due to China’s rapid economic growth, and East Asia has led by the United States and Japan strategic alliance system. Besides, the growing demand of oil in China reflects not only its economic rise but also the increase of its national power. On the other hand, Japan has the same structure in region of East Asia. China's rising national strength is bound to be a threat for Japan. Japan would not like to see China becomes a hegemony, because there will be no country wants another powerful country to master them, or even to threaten its own safety. In the context of the perspective of structural realism, China's rise will inevitably lead changes in the power structure in East Asia. As a regional great power, Japan must respond to China’s revisionism. On the other hand, China faces the alliance between the United States and Japan in the East Asian region, with its oil supply sources mostly rely on principal fairway. Once the US-Japan-led coalition blockades channel, it would cause a huge impact on China and make China to take some actions to respond to this risk.


