  • 學位論文


Transitional Justice in Taiwan: A Perspective of Radical Democracy Theory

指導教授 : 李俊毅


台灣歷經轉型正義的時間已有數十年,但不僅錯過推動的黃金時期,更因為政黨利益與制度等問題一直無法有大幅進展,民間團體的推動也因為阻力重重而難以有所突破,對於執政方轉型正義的問題似乎也不是燃眉之急的問題,以致於在族群和解的議題上仍然時常發生衝突,並屢屢成為政治利益所操弄的對象。本文從這樣的現象,進而選擇以基進民主理論的幾項命題為基礎,來看台灣的對立情形與和解。 台灣推動轉型正義的困難與瓶頸,似乎癥結點皆來自於社會總是以藍/綠、統/獨、本省人/外省人或者中國人/台灣人的二元對立為主要結構,若從民主政治的角度思考轉型正義的和解是否可能,則需要檢討這樣的二元對立應該如何重構,即使社會總是由一組不同的對立形式所組成,然而這並不表示陷入惡性競爭與批鬥的對立形式應然存在。因此本文除了回顧既有文獻在理性層面的討論,也探討感性與實踐的面向,認為二元對立的具體內容是可以藉由不同群體間的理解與對話而重新結構的。一個沒有衝突與對立的社會雖然不可能,但是卻可以透過實踐而持續經營。


Transitional justice has been practiced in Taiwan for many years, but the result was not as satisfying as many would have expected. The struggle between political parties and certain institutional problems obstructed the official processes of finding the truth, clarifying the responsibility of those involved, and the reconciliatory measures, and also hinder the efforts of several nongovernmental organizations. Issues related to transitional justice seem intertwined inextricably with the dichotomies of partisan ideology, ethnic identity, and national identity long haunted Taiwan society. Based on this observation, the thesis tries to explore the difficulties of transitional justice and the im/possibility of reconciliation through the lens of radical democracy theory, as it offers a critical perspective on the nature of the political and the structuring of the social. The thesis suggests that a deep political and ideological divide is what renders transitional justice and the ideal of reconciliation not achievable in Taiwan. While this seems to conform to the theory of radical democracy that social and political relations are always structured around antagonism, it is important to note that the form of antagonism is not predetermined but a result of practice. Hence, after reviewing the existing literature on whether and how the binary logic in Taiwan may be transcended, this thesis further looks into some work on affect and a case of political practice. Even if a conflict-free society is impossible, social antagonism is and should be managed through practice, dialogues and mutual-understanding.


高格孚著,風和日暖 台灣外省人與國家認同的轉變(台北:允晨文化,2004年)。
