  • 學位論文


Content Analysis and Marketing Strategies of Web Sites of Leisure Farms

指導教授 : 段兆麟 博士


為提升休閒農業網站更具親和力及使用者之便利性,本研究以不同經營種類之休閒農場為研究樣本,主要研究內容為休閒農業網站之內容分析,研究樣本主要針對國內49家不同經營類型之休閒農場網站進行網站內容及行銷研究。研究結果期能提供休閒網站經營者深入瞭解網站內容之優缺點、導入行銷策略之建議,並作為網站架設者之參考依據。 本研究依據研究架構設計網站分類記錄表,以利資料的分析及記錄用。選擇學術界代表及資訊科技相關產業界代表之研究員各兩位,分別擔任網站記錄編碼。 隨著資訊技術的不斷發展,市場競爭越來越激烈,休閒農場產業僅靠傳統之行銷方式並無法滿足消費者之需求,故將以網路行銷方式為休閒農場將帶來了新的挑戰及機會。 綜合各種類型之休閒農場行銷策略分析結果: 1.休閒農場:在網站行銷策略上需加強餐飲服務之功能項目,以滿足消費者民生飲食之需。在內容分佈上,提供特色風格及產品價格等資訊,吸引消費者前往該農場進行體驗活動,利用提供優惠券或折價券等促銷策略,配合顧客之需求,網站介面增加圖形呈現及按鈕式介面。 2.體驗農場:網站行銷設計須具備消費食與住之功能,在網站內容分佈上,其行銷策略需加強體驗活動之內容。 3.觀光農場:行銷目標以提供遊客生態體驗、觀光遊憩以及親身體驗之行銷目標為主。 4.教育農場:網站功能以餐飲服務項目功能最為齊備,顯示教育農場之經營業者對於餐飲服務之訴求極為重視,行銷策略依為主。 5.鄉土餐廳:網路行銷重點不僅強調自環境然景觀及特色美食,更須創造鄉土創意料理,餐飲服務項目是增加行銷力量之關鍵。 6. 鄉村民宿:網站功能以餐飲服務及住宿服務項目為主要行銷項目,行銷過程中需推陳出新,爭取消費者認同。 7. 農特產品店:在農特產品店網站資訊呈現以農場之聯絡方式及產品文字呈現方式為網路行銷要項。


Has the affinity and the user convenience of for the promotion leisure agriculture website, this research as studies the sample of relaxation camp take the different management type, mainly studies the content of content analysis for the leisure agriculture website, the research sample mainly aims at of relaxation camp website the domestic 49 different management class to carry on the website content and the marketing research. The research fruiting period can provide good and bad points of the leisure website operator inquire deeply website content, induct suggestion of the marketing strategy, and as website erecting reference. This research designs the website classification data sheet based on the research construction, uses in order to help the material analysis and the record. The choice academic circle represents and the information science and technology related industrial field represents researcher each two, holds the post of the website record code separately. Along with the information technology's unceasing development, the market competition is getting more and more intense, the relaxation camp industry only depends on marketing of way the traditional and is unable to meet need of the consumer, will therefore have brought the new challenge and the opportunity take the network marketing way as the relaxation camp. Synthesizes of relaxation camp marketing strategy analysis result each type: 1.Relaxation camp: Must strengthen of functional item the dining service in the website marketing strategy, satisfies needing of the consumer livelihood of the people diet. In the content distribution, provides information and so on characteristic style and product price, attracts the consumer to go to this farm to carry on experience, the use provides the coupon or gives a discount promotion strategies and so on ticket, coordinates demand of the customer, the website interface to increase the graph to present and the button type interface. 2.Experiences the farm: The website marketing design must have the expense food and live in the function, in the website content distribution, its marketing strategy must strengthen content of the experience. 3.Sightseeing farm: The marketing goal provides the tourist the ecology experience, the sightseeing amusement and rest as well as by oneself marketing of goal the experience primarily. 4.Educates the farm: The website function is most prepared by the dining service items function, demonstrated that educates the farm to manage the entrepreneur to take seriously extremely demand of regarding the dining service, the marketing strategy depends on primarily. 5.Local dining room: Not only the network marketing key emphasized from the environment however landscape and the characteristic good food, must create the local creativity ingredients, the dining service items increase key of the marketing strength. 6.The township villagers sleep: The website function take the dining service and the lodging service items as the main marketing project, sells in the process to weed through the old to bring forth the new, to win over the consumer to approve. 7.Agricultural special products shop: Presents in the agricultural special products shop website information contact of way and the product writing take the farm presents the way as the network marketing important item.


Eric N.Berkowitz原著,2003,劉偉文、潘豐泉譯,醫護行銷學,華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
林錫波、陳堅錐、王榮錫, 2007,台灣地區休閒農場發展現況與發展策略之探討,北體學報,15期,152-163。


