  • 學位論文


Patent Analysis for Manufacturing Technologies of Taiwan’s Tea Industries

指導教授 : 林晋寬


茶葉為台灣高經濟價值特作農產品之一,隨著國民物質生活水準的提升,使得國內茶葉消費市場持續擴大。直至現今,茶已變成流通於全球之大眾化飲料,而台灣製茶技術一向為華人社會之冠,其中製茶技術更是影響茶葉品質的重要關鍵之一。 本研究之目的係利用專利分析,探討台灣茶產業在製程領域的技術發展情況及其應用,提出相關技術評估之項目,以利我國茶產業之技術佈局及策略之推行。本研究蒐集APIPA專利資料庫中1952-2007年之專利資料,獲得301筆有效樣本,這些專利被分成九個主要製程分類,並依此做相關製茶技術專利之專利地圖分析,藉以瞭解茶葉製程技術發展之趨勢。 研究結果顯示,台灣從事製茶技術之研發,以揉捻技術為主要,製茶技術之專利申請大多集中於機械設備公司,專業製茶廠商較少參與其中,台灣製茶技術大多透過技術授權、產學合作方式研究開發,顯示台灣製茶技術之研發較不具獨立性,且所申請之專利大多為設備專利,建議業者可致力於方法專利之申請。


製茶技術 專利地圖


Tea is one of the high economic value products in agricultural department. As the rising of the domestic level, the demand for tea has been enlarged in the country. To date, tea has become a popular beverage over the world. The technologies of tea manufacturing in Taiwan play a leading role in the Chinese society, and affect the quality of tea very deeply. Patent analysis was applied in this research to investigate the current development and application in technology for tea manufacturing in Taiwan. The purpose of the study is to present a dominant for technical and patent strategy for the tea industries. The scope of this research includes the tea industries which are correlated with invention patented technologies of tea manufacturing from 1952 to 2007. The total patent number is 301. These patents were categorized into nine groups. Through the secondary data analyzing and APIPA patent databank, the patent maps are presented and established, so as to learn the development trend of the technologies of tea manufacturing. The study shows that the R&D for the technologies of tea manufacturing around Taiwan aim to the technology of Rolling, which is also regarded as a main developing approach. The patents were most applied by the mechanical equipment factories; the specialized tea-manufacturing factories play a less part in this field. The technologies of tea manufacturing in Taiwan develop mostly in ways of technical authorization and university and industry liaison system, which indicates that the R&D in Taiwan is less independent. Most of patents are applied for equipement patents, the research suggest that one business could apply for method partents.


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