  • 學位論文


A Research of Rural Elementary School Children’s Learning Vision: An Example of Pingtung Region

指導教授 : 鄭芬蘭


論文摘要: 本研究旨在探討偏鄉國小學童的學習視野之調查研究,首先分析不同學習特性學童之貧窮文化、學習動機、社會關懷及自我概念的分布情形,再者為考驗不同學習特性學童之貧窮文化、社會關懷、學習動機及自我概念的差異,然後是分析不同學習特性學童之貧窮文化、社會關懷、學習動機與自我概念的相關情形,最後再分析不同學習特性學童之貧窮文化、社會關懷、學習動機對自我概念的預測效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為屏東縣國小四年級學童為主,樣本施測共338份,有效問卷為247份,以「國小學童數學學習經驗調查表」含(社會關懷量表)與「國小兒童自我概念量表」為研究工具,所得資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、Pearson積差相關及逐步迴歸之統計方式進行分析,其研究結果歸納如下: 一、不同學習特性學童在貧窮文化、學習動機、社會關懷、自我概念之分布情形因集中情形與離散情形而言不盡相同,故需進一步確認其差異的情形。 二、以獨立樣本t考驗分析結果發現學習弱勢學童在貧窮文化高於一般學童;其自我概念表現低於一般學童,而不同學習特性的學童在學習動機及社會關懷未達差異。 三、以Pearson積差相關分析結果發現 (一)一般學童在「貧窮文化」與學習動機趨向表現目標達顯著正相關,自我概念向度之家庭概念、學校概念及情緒概念皆達顯著負相關。在「學習動機」之自我效能與趨向精熟表現目標,大致上與社會關懷及自我概念呈正相關,但趨向表現目標僅與自我概念之身體概念呈正相關。在「社會關懷」與自我概念間皆呈顯著正相關。 (二)學習弱勢學童之「貧窮文化」僅與學習動機之趨向表現目標呈正相關;「學習動機」之趨向精熟表現目標與助人信念、自我概念之學校、外觀概念呈正相關;「社會關懷」與自我概念大致上皆呈正相關。 四、以逐步迴歸預測研究結果發現,「全部學童」之「整體自我概念」的預測結果得知:社會關懷之「助人信念」與「關懷」、學習動機之「自我效能」以及「貧窮文化」等有顯著的預測力,整體解釋力達33%。另「學習弱勢學童」在自我概念之預測上僅「助人信念」及「關懷」有顯著預測力。 本研究最後依據研究結果提出建議,以提供學校教學、家長做為參考及未來研究方向之建議。


Abstract The purpose of this study aims to investigate the correlations between four aspects - poverty culture, learning motivation, social caring, and self-concept concerning rural elementary school children’s learning vision. The questionnaire research method was employed in the fourth-grade students in Pingtung Region. Elementary school children mathematics learning experience questionnaire (including Social Care Scale) and Elementary School Student Self-Concept Scale were adopted as research tools. In total, 338 participants completed the questionnaires and 247 questionnaires were valid. The collected data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation, and Stepwise Regression and the results are as follows. 1. The learning characteristics affecting students vary in different aspects, resulting from measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Thus, further confirmation of the different circumstances affecting these children’s learning visions is required. 2. Through the process of independent sample t-test, while it is verified that students from low socioeconomic families give lower self-concept performances than students from average or high socioeconomic families, no significant difference is found in learning motivation and social caring in students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. 3. According to the results of Pearson correlation, poverty culture in children from average or high socioeconomic families has a significantly positive correlation with Approach-performance goal. Also, there is a significantly negative correlation between the subscales of self-concepts -- family, school, and emotions. The subscales of learning motivation --self-efficacy and approach-mastery goal—are positively correlated with social caring and self-concept. However, approach-performance goal merely has a positive correlation to health concept, one of the subscales of self-concept. There is a strong correlation between social caring and self-concept. Poverty culture in students from low socioeconomic families is only positively correlated with approach-performance goal, the subscale in learning motivation. Approach-mastery goal, the subscale of learning motivation, has a positive correlation with the conviction about helping others and concepts of school as well as appearance, the subscales of self-concept. Overall, there is a clear correlation between social caring and self-concept. 4. According to the results of Stepwise regression on all subjects’ self-concept as a whole, significantly predictive power can be found in the conviction about helping others and caring, two subscales of social caring, self-efficacy in learning motivation, and poverty culture. Overall, the explanatory ability reaches up to 33%. On the other hand, in students from low socioeconomic families, significantly predictive power is merely observed in the conviction about helping others and caring, two subscales of self-concept. At last, the study offers suggestions according to the results of the research, in hopes of providing schools, parents, and researchers with helpful information for realizing rural elementary students’ learning vision, policy making, and further study.


王珩(2005) 。從ARCS模式探討英語學習動機之激發策略。台中教育大學學報:人文藝術類,19(2),89-100。
