  • 學位論文

融合Web Services架構與Android手持平台之情境感知行動學習應用-以活動導向延伸「貓頭鷹巢箱」生態體驗學習為實作案例

Integrating Web Services Architecture and Android Platform for Context-Awareness Mobile Learning - A Case Study on An Ecological Experiential Learning on Owl's Nests

指導教授 : 黃申在


行動學習領域的應用範圍廣泛,其中具情境感知需求的行動學習案例,更能反應教與學活動之情境與環境變化,透過結合無所不在運算技術,適時、適地提供適切的學習教材與適性互動,突顯行動學習的特質。本研究運用針對行動學習衍生的活動理論框架,結合活動導向與使用者經驗的設計理念,彙整成迭代式研究步驟架構,並以國家數典計畫中「貓頭鷹巢箱」基底之生態體驗教學活動為實驗案例背景,將教與學活動情境轉化為系統設計需求,配合教學場域變化及頻繁移動的活動特性,融入情境感知功能,以發展、建置、測試及評量行動學習工具中介系統。 首先彙整活動理論延伸之分析框架與設計方法,將真實案例活動轉化為使用情境藍圖,再參考情境感知框架概念,以融合Web Services架構與Android手持平台之情境感知技術架構作為本研究之技術核心,實作工具中介系統。最後透過實機操作的使用性測試方法,一方面驗證此架構適用於實務發展與協助落實行動學習工具中介系統,一方面有效取得使用者質化與量化回饋資料,探討使用性與系統品質相關議題,並修正作為後續循環迭代發展的具體建議。


There are many application cases and scenarios of mobile learning. Among others, cases of teaching and learning activities with mobile learners situated in dynamic environments and changing objects, would demonstrate the very essence of mobile learning, if context awareness computing is also available to support reflecting and exploring situational messages and environmental changes on a timely delivery, location-based and on-demand basis, and adaptive interaction to learners and teachers. In this research, we first proposed a framework integrating concepts and practices both from the activity-theory and a mobile-learning perspective. We then employ a research process of iterative steps incorporating activity-centered design and user’s experiences, and we then applied it to a real case of Owl’s Nest ecological experiential learning, which is an outdoor activity with mobile subjects for needs of context-awareness, to help illuminate issues in developing mediating artifacts and tools in this activity. Beyond guiding the requirements, the real case serves also roles of design validity and testing, and of usability test. In this study, we used an extended activity-theory for mobile learning and activity-centered design to first develop a blueprint of system design from a real case of action, and then showed and explained the whole process of the development project. Next, we implemented a context-aware architecture that integrates web service and android mobile system based on JCAF. On top of the architecture basis, we then develop the mediating application to support the mobile learning activities involved in the real case. The constructed application is tested to evaluate and validate the context-awareness support for developing context-aware mobile learning applications. Further the qualitative and quantitative feedback data collected for testing against usability issues and quality criteria. The revision paves the foundation for works in iterative cycles and for concrete suggestion of improvement.


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