  • 學位論文


Effects of Robotic Pets on Interpersonal Interactions

指導教授 : 游曉貞


過往人類飼養動物著重於實用價值,而現代人因社會上所面臨之種種壓力,飼養的緣由已轉為追求陪伴、療癒等心靈層面的價值。其中又以飼養寵物狗為絕大多數,眾多研究也已證實飼養狗對於飼主身心健康上具有一定的良好影響程度,McNicholas和Collis(2000)於研究中證實狗的存在能夠作為社交催化劑,為人們促進社交互動的機 會。隨著科技的快速演進,市場上出現服務型機器人來處理個人/家庭及商業服務中清潔、安全、拆卸、物流、醫療…等任務,進而出現具有陪伴、社交等用途的機器寵物,帶給使用者許多益處,例如:教學輔助、陪伴長者以提升其生活品質,甚至可運用於輔助特殊族群改善社交互動問題。在此前提下,本研究透過實驗設計來探討現今我國社會中,寵物狗是否也可作為社交催化劑來促進人際互動;更進一步探索以機器狗取代真實寵物時,能否達到類似促增人際社交行為的效果。研究過程主要分兩階段:第一階段(前導實驗)是為驗證寵物狗或機器狗對國人社交互動影響之有無。實驗中分別以無狗陪伴、有狗陪伴及絨毛機器狗陪伴三種條件下進行試測,以探討寵物狗或機器狗伴於身旁時,影響人際社交機會的程度。第二階段(正式實驗)則以兩款不同材質、外觀、功能之市售機器狗作為研究工具(絨毛機器狗及智慧型機器狗),分別於三處不同地點進行試測,由實驗者攜帶不同機器狗靜待於實驗地點,自然地與他人互動,由紀錄者藏匿於另一側執行監測與紀錄互動,透過此方法來釐清不同外觀、材質、功能及其他外在因素的機器狗作為促進人際互動媒介的影響效果。實驗中以修訂羅徹斯特互動記錄量表(Revised Rochester Interaction Record, RIR)記錄實驗者與互動者日常互動行為,及了解實驗者對於互動行為之感受。最後透過量化分析以確認不同外觀之機器狗作為社交媒介的效果。研究結果顯示寵物狗確實可作為社交催化劑來促進國人的人際互動,提升社交互動的次數、互動時間長度,且對於熟識朋友來說,影響效果最佳;但機器狗對人際互動則不影響,此次研究中發現操控外觀、材質、功能等不同變項的機器狗設計,在作為社交催化劑的效果上並不顯著;反倒是不同地點對社交互動的影響較為顯著。


People in the past appreciated the practical value of pet keeping. However, because of the pressures modern society faces, the pursuit of companionship, healing, and other spiritual aspects of value have become the reasons people keep pets, especially pet dogs that take up a predominant ratio to the whole. A number of studies have also confirmed pet dogs have a certain level of positive effect on the physical and mental health of pet owners. McNicholas and Collis (2000) confirmed in their study that the existence of dogs is a social catalyst that promotes social interaction opportunities . With the rapid progress of technology, “service robots” have emerged in the market to offer personal/domestic/professional services, such as cleaning, security, demolition, logistics, medical care, and other tasks, which have in turn given rise to robot pets that serve companionship and socializing purposes. They bring users a number of benefits, such as teaching aids, elderly companionship to help improve their quality of life, and even as aids for special groups to help them improve social interaction issues. Under these considerations, this study adopted the experimental design to explore whether or not pet dogs can serve as a social catalyst for promotion interpersonal interaction in our current society and further explore whether or not the effect of promoting interpersonal social behaviors can be achieved when robotic dogs replace real pets. The research process is divided into two stages: in the first stage (pilot experiment), whether or not pet dogs or robotic dogs have an impact on the people’s social interactions was explored. In the experiment, testing was implemented under three conditions: without the companionship of a dog, with the companionship of a dog, and with the companionship of a fuzzy robotic dog, in order to explore the extent of impact on social interaction opportunities, with the companionship of a pet dog or a robotic dog. In the second stage (formal experiment), two types of commercially available robotic dogs that vary in material, appearance, and function were adopted as the research tools (fuzzy robotic dogs and intelligent robotic dogs). The test was conducted in three different locations. The experimenter carried with them the different robotic dogs and interacted with others naturally in the experimental sites. The recorder, hidden in a place nearby, executed monitoring and recorded interactions. Through this method, the effect of robotic dogs that vary in appearance, material, and function, as well as other external factors used as mediums to promote interpersonal interactions was clarified. In the experiment, the Revised Rochester Interaction Record (RIR) was adopted to record the daily interactive behaviors of the experimenter and people with whom the experimenter interacted and gain insight into the experimenter’s feelings towards the interactive behaviors. Finally, through quantitative analysis, the effect of the robotic dogs that vary in appearance as social interactive mediums was examined. The results show that pet dogs indeed serve as social catalysts that promote the peoples’ interpersonal interactions and increase the frequency of social interaction and the duration of interaction. The best results were seen especially among close friends. However, the robotic dogs had no effect on interpersonal interactions. This study also found that the manipulation of the robotic dog design in variables such as appearance, material, and function had no significant effect on robotic dogs as social catalysts. Instead, the effect of different venues on the social interaction was more significant.


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