  • 學位論文


A Study on Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction of staff in International Tourist Hotel-Take Southern Housekeeping Employees in International Tourist Hotels for Example

指導教授 : 劉旭冠


本研究旨在探討國際觀光旅館房務部從業人員人格特質與工作滿意度之關係,以作為旅館相關產業業者在實務上的參考。茲將主要研究目的敘述如下:1.瞭解旅館房務部從業人員對於工作滿意之現況;2.探討不同背景變項的旅館房務部從業人員對工作滿意是否有差異;3.探討不同人格特質的旅館房務部從業人員對工作滿意之差異;4.探討不同背景變項的旅館房務部從業人員的人格特質是否有差異;5.根據研究結果,期望能提供旅館業者做為提升員工工作滿意之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法進行問卷調查,研究對象為南部地區國際觀光旅館房務部從業人員。問卷總共發放300 份,回收問卷為288 份,有效問卷為278 份,有效回收率為92.6%。研究結果顯示,不同背景變項的旅館房務部從業人員人格特質有顯著差異。旅館房務部從業人員的工作滿意較傾向為內在滿意,不同背景變項的旅館房務部從業人員的工作滿意度具有顯著差異。本研究結果將對國際觀光旅館業者有所建議如下: 一、建議旅館可以在徵才及留才方面多作努力。在徵才的部分可以研究所以上學歷且已婚的面試者為優先錄取的對象。在留才的部分可以札實的職前訓練、升遷計畫、提升員工對公司的向心力、鼓勵在職進修等方式留住人才,使得旅館能夠創造更大的競爭優勢。 二、旅館房務部從業人員的人格特質大多數偏向於友善性及勤勉性,因此建議旅館業者可以建立人格特質調查表以了解從業人員的人格特質,作為員工分發部門的參考,而旅館房務部從業人員的工作滿意度較在乎內在滿意度,因此建議業者可以從提升員工的成就感、榮譽感與向心力等方面著力,以提升員工的工作滿意度。


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the personality traits and job satisfaction of housekeeping employees in international tourist hotels, and to analyze whether there is difference between personality traits and job satisfaction of housekeeping employees with different demographic backgrounds, as a reference for practitioners in hotel related industry. The main purpose is described as follows: 1.To understand the current situation of job satisfaction for employees in hotel housekeeping departments; 2.To discuss whether the different backgrounds of hotel housekeeping employees will influence their job satisfaction; 3.To discuss whether the different personality traits of hotel housekeeping employees will influence their job satisfaction; 4.To study whether there are different personality traits between hotel housekeeping employees with different demographic backgrounds; 5., To provide a reference for hoteliers to improve employees' satisfaction based on research results.This study used questionnaires for the employees of housekeeping departments in southern international tourist hotels. 300 questionnaires were distributed in total and 288 copies of questionnaires were received. There were 278 valid questionnaires,and the valid responding rate was 92.6%. The results show that hotel housekeeping employees with different demographic backgrounds have significant differences in personality traits. The job satisfaction of hotel housekeeping employees is more inclined to inner satisfaction, and the job satisfaction has significant differences on hotel housekeeping employees of different background variables. The results of this study lead to the following recommendations for practitioners of international tourist hotels: First, it is recommended that hotel employers could make more efforts in hiring and retaining qualified employees. For hiring employees, it could give priority to those who have master degree and get married. For retaining the qualified employees,it could give pre-vocational training, a promotion plan, enhance the cohesion of the employees towards the company and encourage job training, so that the hotel can create greater competitive advantage. Second, the personality traits of hotel housekeeping employees tend toward friendliness and diligence. Therefore, it is recommended that hoteliers can create a personality questionnaire to understand the personality traits of employees, and as reference when distributing employees to each sector. The inclination of hotel housekeeping employees tends more toward inner satisfaction, so it is recommended that the practitioners can promote a sense of accomplishment, pride and cohesion of employees in order to enhance the job satisfaction of employees.


陳建廷、柳立偉(2009)。運動休閒科系在職進修學生人格特質、特性 與滿意度之關係研究。北體學報(17),71~83。
