  • 學位論文


A Study of Application Habitual Domain and Analytic Hierarchy Process Methods to Construction Air Force Master Sergeant Promotion Selection Model

指導教授 : 陳泰良


「晉陞」具有篩選人才與獎勵員工的功能,而有效「遴選」出優秀的人才對單位及個人未來的發展皆有很大的影響,然而要有完善的晉陞制度必須仰賴良好健全的法制規範。在遴選過程中方向明確,所遴選出來的幹部才能帶領單位邁向非凡,因應瞬息萬變。本研究藉由專家訪談及運用習慣領域理論(Habitual Domain, HD)作為基礎並進而確定各準則層項目,以克服各準則因評選專家個人主觀意識、思考上的限制所訂定出評選項目之缺點。後續採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),建構出空軍士官長晉陞遴選模式的架構,對各準則進行相互比較,最後運用Expert Choice 11.1版應用軟體分析得到相對權重值並作一致性檢定。 研究結果顯示,在第二層的四大構面中,專家最重視為觀念技能構面、其次分別為技術技能構面、人際技能構面及個人特性構面;第三層的16項準則中,前5項權重排序為法治素養、專業知識、領導統御技能、問題分析與解決能力、以身作則。另外亦設計出空軍士官長晉陞遴選評鑑表。此研究結果除可提供有關單位決策之參考外,還能應用於其他軍種類似之方案。


“Promotion” has the functions of screening talents and awarding employees, acts which are of great importance for the future development of both the employers and the individuals. However, a fine promotional system depends on sound laws and regulations in place. Only when the direction of the screening process is clear, can the selected cadres lead the organization to move towards success and cope with the constantly changing environment. This study adopted expert interview and habitual domain (HD) as the basis upon which to determine the items of various criterion layers, in order to overcome the disadvantages and/or restrictions of the criteria where the screening items were stipulated based on the subjective consciousness and personal opinion of the evaluation experts. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was subsequently adopted to establish the framework of the promotion and screening mode for master sergeant of the air force, and then compared against various criteria. Finally, Expert Choice 11.1 software was used for analysis to obtain the relative weighted value, and to carry out the test of homogeneity. The study results show that experts most value the “conceptual skill” dimension among the four major dimensions of the second hierarchy, followed by “technical skill”, “interpersonal skill” and “personal characteristics”. Among the 16 criteria of the third hierarchy, the first five weighted criteria are legal accomplishment, professional knowledge, leadership skill, problem analysis and solving ability, and setting oneself as an example for others. In addition, a promotion and screening evaluation table for master sergeant of the air force has been designed. Besides serving as a reference for relevant units to make decisions, the study results can also be applied to similar schemes of other military services.


陳彰儀、張裕隆(2001),有效的甄選方法- 應用心理研究第10 期,台北,五南。頁80。
