  • 學位論文


A Study of Implementation of Green Design-in the Case of " Eco Renew Dragon " Creation

指導教授 : 諸葛正


全球暖化所衍生出的環保議題,是身為地球村民的我們需要落實與體現在日常生活中的一種生活態度,其核心議題便是節能減碳、垃圾減量與資源回收再利用等概念,是目前由世界各地所響應提出的環境保育思維。 研究者於高職美工科求學階段,就曾參與過類似於環保再生為目標的設計競賽。而當時的指導員所教導的工法,便是利用保麗龍塑形,再將所回收的鋁罐當作單元元件,在透過熱熔膠將鋁罐與保麗龍強制黏接上,然後構組成一個物件的作法。在製作的過程中便會經常因為熱熔膠的高溫,而將塑好的骨架(保麗龍的材質)溶的東瘡西孔。至於鋁罐的材質特性較不易變形,所以就會利用回收鋁罐,重新裁剪並構成新的造型物件,也是透過熱熔膠強制接著作品。當然這結果在外觀造型上完全看不出有何大問題,但對身為一個學習者而言,從環保角度的思考與製作者的健康考量問題來思考,不禁會產生一些疑惑:諸如1.環保不是禁用汙染品嗎?若是要用再生材料來製作,也要注意選材的環境友善性。2.接著時保麗龍遇熱會排放出有毒氣體,經常讓筆者製作完,便會頭部昏沉。由於當時是學校公差作業,筆者也沒想太多,而是直到參加台中市環保創意龍舟製作競賽之後,才又促發研究者的重新思考。 而台灣自端午節的傳統慶典活動中,衍生出諸如上述的環保創意龍舟競賽。對於主辦單位所要推廣的環保政策與人文傳承精神交織思考下,所進行的廢棄物資源回收再利用之再生設計競賽,身為設計相關領域的研究者,不禁好奇反問,在綠色浪潮中「設計」能為環境做甚麼?而早年潛藏在心中的疑惑也再一次因為參與這競賽而又再一次開啟。到底該抱持著何種綠色設計的態度來實踐對自然環境的真正關照,才符合綠色設計的核心精神。而設計領域經常提起的「再生設計」是最為一般民眾與專業設計師津津樂道的名詞,想當然爾身為一個設計者同時也是研究者的立場,是希望能藉由參與其中,以試圖瞭解學習這個全球皆響應的綠色議題實貌究竟如何? 而研究結果歸納如下: 1.從環保再生的觀點看形素(造形)構成工法的問題與對策 主要探討以環保再生的角度來看造型的運用,是否能符合環保概念的落實度。許多過去的參賽隊伍案例,雖然符合參賽標準須有龍的造型意象。但顯然龍首等物件有許多都已是使用全新材料,而非使用資源回收材,因而產生為了要將龍首的造形更接近寫實風格,多有不當使用保麗龍去刻製龍舟造型,然後再擺在船身上的做法出現。這顯然已經變相扭曲主辦單位推動環保再生競賽的原本用意。設計者經常只重視造型而不會真正去瞭解材料特性的設計模式,在此被突顯的非常清楚。 2.從環保再生的觀點看彩素(色彩)環保工法的問題與對策 經過檢視,大面積用油漆彩繪的負面案例在此次研究過程的案例中出現過許多次,其中尤以歷年的政府機關組作品為主要來源,並且還得到前面的名次。這其實又是一個只重視外型(這裡主要指色彩),而未真正探求綠色設計真義的真實反映。這對環境造成再一次的衝擊與傷害,並豎立起不良示範。原則上應該只能利用回收物質上的既有顏色,而不應該再另行加工彩繪,更不可以使用化學漆或其他會造成二次汙染的彩繪方式來進行,因為這些作法其實都是違背綠色原則的錯誤做法。 3.從環保再生的觀點看質素(材質)環保工法的問題與對策 光碟片是不容易回收的高污染物,尤其以白色光碟所含汞(即水銀)最毒。但是歷年來的參賽作品,包含研究者當初的設計作品,都還是無可避免的誤用(破壞使用)此類材料,都是極明顯的負面案例(如保利龍的不當使用,以及使用具汙染性質的彩繪原料等)。因此作者或民眾倘若在設計之初挑選材質時,一開始便選錯,且沒有將環保再生的觀點納入設計考量之時,即使選用材質為回收物,但是如果是高汙染性的回收材,亦不會符合真正的環保概念。 4.從環保再生的觀點看競賽本質 本研究在成果的造形構成中雖獲得承辦單位青睞,但研究者自知作品在材質選用上,若以綠色規範的要求來看其實並不合格。雖然光碟片被列為回收材項目。但是如果不釐清光碟片的本質問題,反而就隨意拿來重新任意破壞然後再利用,這些高度汙染材料反而會對環境形成高度衝擊。所以從事設計工作不瞭解材料特性,只會任意拆解使用來製作造型物,其實在根本的出發點上就已帶有極大風險。故自我警惕,以真正落實個人的生活環保態度,其實相當重要。


The environmental issues derived from global warming, should be carried out and kept as a lifestyle in our daily life by us earthlings. The core of the issues is about the concepts such as energy-saving, carbon emission reduction, waste reduction, resources recycling and reusing and so on, which are thoughts on environmental protection and cultivation raised and called on by people all over the world nowadays. The researcher, when studying at art and design department, a senior vocational school, has joined some design competitions with similar purposes to protect enviromnent by recycling. At that time the design method tutored by the instructor was that, a new piece of works was constructed by gluing an aluminum can to polyfoam forcingly with hot-melt adhesive. In the process, the shaped structure (using the material polyfoam) was deeply flawed because of the high temperature of hot-melt adhesive. As the aluminum cans are not easily out of shape, they are often recycled, recut and renewed to be new shaped works, which are also connected forcingly to other materials with hot-melt adhesive. Of course from the appearance, there seems no big problems. While to a learner, from the perspectives of environmental protection and my health, I can’t help wondering on this: first, the polluted materials are forbidden in order to protect environment, aren’t they? If we really need recycled materials to design, we should check whether they are environmentally friendly. Second, when connected to the polyfoam, it emitted poisonous gases when heated, which made me feel dizzy after finishing the works. As it was assigned work by the school at that time, I didn’t think too much. Until the participation in the competition to make environmentally friendly and innovative dragon boats, I, as the researcher, was inspired to think it over again. Taiwan derived the competition to make environmentally friendly and innovative dragon boats above from traditional Dragon Boat Festival celebrations. As to the recycing design competition by recycling and reusing wasted resources, with the interweaved reflection on the environmental protection policies and cultural preservation promoted by the sponsors, I, as the researcher in relevant design field, can’t help wondering: what can design do for the environment in the green waves? Wonders hidden deep in heart in the earlier years appeared again because of this competition. What kind of green design attitude should we adopt to bring the real care to nature after all to agree to the core spirit of green design? Recycling design frequently referred to in design field is a term most popular in the public and among professional designers. As a designer, as well as the researcher, I hope to take part in it and try to understand and learn the facts about green issues going on all over the world. The research results are summarized as follows: 1.Study the questions and resolutions of modelling construction method from the perspective of recycling for environmental protection It mainly explores whether the modelling design agrees to the practical implementation of environmental protection concepts from the perspective of recycling for environmental protection. In many cases, the past participated competitors have used completely new materials, but not recycling resources to make the head of the dragon and other parts, although they are to the competition standard that the modelling image of the dragon is a must. To make the modelling of the dragon head more realistic, many competitors used the polyfoam to sculpture the dragon boat modelling and put it on the hull. This has obviously distorted the original purpose of the sponsors to promote the competiton of recycling for environmental protection. Designers often focus on the modelling, but not to learn more about the design model based on the material features. And in the competition this problem has been clearly revealed. 2.Study the questions and resolutions of coloring environmental-friendly method from the perspective of recycling for environmental protection There were many negative cases frequently using oil paint to make color painting in a large scale found in the process of the research. They are mainly from the works organized by the group of government offices in the past years and have got good places. It is in fact another real reflection that they only focused on the outside (here it means the color) and didn’t truly explore the real meaning of green design. This caused another hit and hurt to the environment and set up a bad example. In principle we should only take advantage of the orginal colors of the recycled materials, but not to produce new color painting, not to use chemical oil paint or other color painting methods which would cause secondary pollution, because these actions are all wrong and against green principle. 3.Study the questions and resolutions of material adoption environmental-friendly method from the perspective of recycling for environmental protection Optical discs are heavily-polluted and hard to recycle. Especially in the white optical discs there is the most poisonous mercury. However, the entries in the past years, as well as design works by the researcher earlier, all abused (broke them) such material unavoidably. They are all obvious negative cases (including the misuse of polyfoam, using polluted oil painting materials and so on). Therefore, if the designers or the public chose wrong materials at the beginning of the design, and didn’t take the perspective of recycling for environmental protection into consideration, then it wouldn’t agree to true green concepts, even if the chosen materials but with heavy pollution are recycled ones. 4.Study the competition nature from the perspective of recycling for environmental protection Although my works is favored on the modelling construction by the sponsors, I myself know that the works is not qualified on the choice of materials according to the requirements of green standards. Optical discs are indeed listed as recycled materials, while these heavily polluted materials will cause a big hit to the environment if adopted. Therefore, if designers can only diassemble materials to make modelling without learning about their features, they have taken great risks on the basic starting point. I will then warn myself to practice true lifestyle of environmental protection, which is really very important.


