  • 學位論文


The impacts of ethical conflict,corporate ethical values and burnout on work performance,organizational commitment and work satisfaction of wealth management professionals in banks

指導教授 : 王安平


從1980 年至今,美國等西方國家開始廣泛地研究「企業倫理」(businessethics),許多較為具體的研究成果陸續問世。在西方這股洪流中,社會責任(social responsibility)與倫理原則(ethical principles)被一一提出,作為現代企業倫理理論基礎與倫理判斷等重要內涵。而在高度競爭的金融市場裡,金融弊案層出不窮,不僅影響客戶的信心更影響員工對於公司的信心及工作士氣。尤其在2008年底爆發金融風暴,全球股市陷入一片哀豪,使金融暴風狂襲下的理財專員們,更顯得壓力沉重。 理財專員在財富管理市場中擔任重要的角色,不僅要為客戶做好理財規劃,同時亦要達成銀行交付的使命。在激烈競爭的金融環境中,探討銀行理財專員在面對高業績壓力下所陷入的倫理困境以及在面臨道德衝突時,如何處理高業績壓力下的倫理困境? 本研究主要探討道德衝突、企業倫理價值與工作竭耗對於銀行理專的工作績效、組織承諾與工作滿意度的影響。以某銀行的理專人員為研究對象,共發出300份問卷,回收有效問卷254份,有效問卷率為85%,以信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法來檢定研究假設。研究結果顯示: 一、工作竭耗對於達成個人營業額目標有負向影響。 二、工作竭耗對於達成分行營業額目標有負向影響。 三、工作竭耗對於工作績效有負向影響。 四、工作竭耗對於工作績效有負向影響。 五、工作竭耗對於工作滿意度有負向影響。


Since 1980, the United States and other Western countries began extensively studied "Business Ethics" (businessethics), many of the more specific land continued research results come out. In the West this stock flood flows, the social responsibility (social responsibility) and the ethical principles (ethical principles) are eleven proposed, as a modern enterprise based on ethical theories and ethical judgments and other important content. In the highly competitive financial markets, financial scandal after another, not only affects the confidence of customers also affected employees work for the company''s confidence and morale. In particular, the outbreak of the financial crisis in late 2008, global stock markets into a sad ho, under the financial storm Kuangxi financial commissioners, even more pressure is heavy. Banking Commissioner wealth management market play an important role not only for our customers to do financial planning, but also to reach a bank delivery mission. In a highly competitive financial environment, explore the financial specialists at the face of high performance under pressure into the ethical dilemmas and moral conflicts in the face, how to deal with high performance under pressure ethical dilemmas? This study investigates the ethical values of corporate banking manager designed for the moral conflict, work dried up consumption, job performance, organizational commitment and job satisfaction impact. Designed to manage a bank officer for the study, a total of 300 questionnaires sent, 254 valid questionnaires were valid questionnaires was 85% in reliability analysis, independent samples T-test, one way ANOVA, regression analysis methods used to test the research hypotheses. we can conclude as follows: 1. The work dried up consumption for achieving personal goals turnover has a negative impact. 2. The work dried up branches reached turnover for consumption has a negative impact on the target. 3. The work dried up for consumption has a negative impact on job performance. 4. The work dried up for consumption has a negative impact on job performance. 5. The work dried up for job satisfaction consumption has a negative impact.


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