  • 學位論文


Use the Key of Music Therapy to Open the Door of an Autistic Child

指導教授 : 李玲玉


中文摘要 本研究為探討自閉症兒童的音樂治療歷程,其主要目的為: 一、探討自閉症兒童透過音樂的治療歷程,其語言之轉變情形。 二、探討自閉症兒童透過音樂的治療歷程,其社會互動之轉變情形。 本研究為個案研究,研究對象為一位九歲多重障礙自閉症兒童。研究教學包括:一次評估課程和三十次教學課程,每週實施兩次,每次上課35分鐘,共十五週,總計三十一次的音樂治療活動。課程教案共有八個活動項目,主要是依據指導教授之研究課程為架構,並依案主、融合班兒童身心發展原理及實際狀況做調整。 本研究採質性研究,其資料蒐集方式以參與觀察和問卷訪談為主,除了以質性方式蒐集與分析資料外,再以量化數據為輔。蒐集資料來源有:個案基本資料、評估資料、半結構音樂治療觀察記錄表、軼事記錄表、半結構問卷調查、家長記錄、教學省思、音樂治療回饋表。研究結果如下: 一、 案主在歌唱、口語表達能力及主動回應問題次數方面皆有明顯提升,以及具有保留成效,且社會效度之統計結果亦支持本研究結果,故音樂治療活動課程對案主在語言能力之提升,為正向且有效的課程。 二、 音樂治療對案主在問題行為、常規、人際互動方面有明顯改善,且發展成正向行為,表現出合宜社會行為,更能融入團體生活中,並將所學類化至家中,此課程確實能夠提升案主的社會互動能力。


Abstract This study was explored the procedure of music therapy for an autistic child. The main purposes were as follows: 1. To explore the participant’s language transformed procedure through music therapy. 2. To explore the participant’s social interaction transformed procedure through music therapy. This was a case study. A nine-year-old autistic boy with multiple disability was chosen to participate in the research study. The research teaching included one evaluation session and 30 hands on teaching sessions. Instruction was given for 35 minutes, twice a week, for a total of 31 times. There were 8 teaching activities based on the framework of the researcher’s advisor, theories of the children development and adjusted by the participant’s situations. The methodology was based on qualitative reports and quantitative analysis was used to receive objective support. The results were interpreted based on data collected via semi-structured observation forms, interviews with parents and the kindergarten teacher, musical activities feedback form, and the researcher’s record of special events. The research results are described as follows: 1. The autistic child enhanced significantly in signing, verbal expression ability and the number of the active responses to the question and possesses the retaining efficacy as well. The statistical result of the social validity also supports the research results. Therefore, the application of music therapy was positive and effective in improving the autistic child’s language development. 2. The autistic child significantly improved the troublesome behavior, routines, interpersonal interaction. The study helped the participant developing a positive behavior and performed an appropriate social behavior and assimilated what he learned from the class to the family. It was proven this study had a positive effect on the participant’s social interaction.


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