  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effects of Organizational commitment, Burnout and Remuneration system to the Turnover Intention – An empirical case of International Tourism Hotel of Staff in Sun Moon Lake Area

指導教授 : 陳宗玄 朱瑞淵


日月潭國家風景區為國內外旅客來台觀光的景點之一,為因應大量的觀光旅客其旅館業之營運量相對會大幅增加。因此,本研究旨在探討國際觀光旅館員工「組織承諾」、「職業倦怠」、「薪酬制度」對「離職傾向」的影響。 本研究以日月潭地區國際觀光旅館員工為研究範圍與對象,採普查方式進行問卷資料蒐集,回收有效問卷共205份。研究結果顯示,員工的組織承諾、職業倦怠與薪酬制度屬中等程度,其中以組織承諾構面的認知最高;離職傾向則顯示中等程度的結果。受試者女性員工佔多數,年齡介於23-27 歲,教育程度多為大學(專),服務部門餐飲部為多數,服務年資以1年~3年為居多,職位為領班、組長以下為多數,超過半數受試者為已婚,薪資以2萬-3萬為普遍。組織承諾、職業倦怠與離職向對離職傾向的看法會因受訪者「年齡」、「戶籍地」「服務部門」、「教育程度」、「服務部門」、「服務年資」、「職位」、「收入」不同而有所差異。經迴歸分析顯示,職業倦怠對離職傾向有顯著正向影響;由構面來看,組織承諾各構面中,以「情感性承諾」對於離職傾向的影響程度最高;而職業倦怠構面中,則以「情感疏離」的影響程度最高。 對此,本研究建議業在建構新制或調整內部制度時,應適當地與員工討論並且在公告時有足夠的宣導。


The Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area is one of the attractions which has brought foreign and domestic tourists. The resort industry will cope with the upcoming operation amount of large sums of tourists. Therefore, this research aims at the influences of “organizational commitment”, “burnout”, “remuneration system” on turnover intention. This research mainly focuses on the employees of the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area for research area and targets. Questionnaire with census is the approach to do data collection, the valid questionnaire is 205 in total. The result suggests that organization promise to employees, job burnout and payment system are medium rate. The highest is the organization promise; in other hand, resignation inclination implies medium result. Women employees are the main subjects, age from 23 to 27 years old, college background, largely from service and catering departments, titles not higher than team leaders. Half of the subjects are married and their salaries fluctuates from NT$20,000 to NT$30,000 in average. Opinions on resignation inclination with respect to organization promise, job burnout and resignation will be different from subjects due to the following aspects: age, place of domicile, departments, educational background, experiences, positions and income. According to the regress analysis, job burnout has position effects on resignation inclination; in the view of construction interface, in the organization promise, emotional promise has greater influences on it. While in job burnout, emotional alienation is greater. With respect to the results, this research suggests when a system is newly constructed or adjusted; it should be discussed with the employees appropriately and published with enough official propaganda.


陳乃華、陳詳衡 (2012)。薪酬、工作滿足與組織承諾關係—中國東莞市某台商企業大陸員工案例研究,城市學學刊,3(2),1-32。


